My dad is such a good man, hard-working.

I'm not a genius. I'm just a hard-working guy.

My father instilled those hard-working values.

I'm a flawed, hard-working, hard-trying person.

I think of Mr Modi as a very hard-working person.

I'm a hard-working young man who believes in myself.

I am very, very diligent and extremely hard-working.

I'm not clever. But I am level-headed, hard-working, dogged.

My teams have always been very hard-working and competitive.

I just think of myself as a hard-working person who loves my job.

I'm a hard-working individual and I think that's what separates me.

Vince Gilligan is a wizard - and a fantastically hard-working wizard.

I work with really hard-working people who are really good at what they do.

My mother was a very hard-working maid, and their stories are worth telling.

Future's a workaholic. That's definitely the most hard-working artist I know.

Bangalore needs a honest, passionate and hard-working MP, and I will be that MP.

I'm a hard-working girl. I go to the office. I work a normal 9 to 5 job most days.

My mother and father were lovely parents, always quite hard up, but very hard-working.

Mum was always hard-working. She came over from Spain and bought her own council house.

North Carolinians are hard-working common-sense, decent and stubbornly independent people.

Congress has a responsibility to review research paid for by hard-working American taxpayers.

The minimum wage can play a vital role in lifting hard-working families above the poverty line.

Jennifer Lopez and Sara Bareilles are my tops! Both incredibly hard-working and talented women.

Cristiano Ronaldo is more of a professional, hard-working guy. Ronaldo is the example you follow.

It is worthwhile for anyone to have behind him a few generations of honest, hard-working ancestry.

The hard-working Americans, the people who made this country so great, they've been left in the dust.

We only put the negative black people on television. We don't put the good, hard-working black people.

I just like to be seen for the hard-working actress that I am and not for a bunch of extraneous press.

My dad was actually my first mentor. Decent man, hard-working man, never missed a day of work plumber.

I just want people to see me as a hard-working footballer and someone who is passionate about the game.

We have to be realistic: we are not going to be able to deport 11 million people - most are hard-working people.

Housewives of the 1950s were supposed to create show-stopping meals every night for their hard-working husbands.

I have a lot of hard-working, blue-collar people in my district who are at the end of their unemployment benefits.

I'm not a master; I'm just a hard-working filmmaker. I would like everyone to see me as a friend rather than a master.

The young people working for me are ambitious and hard-working. That work ethic has always been a trait of the British.

There is one thing Anthony Weiner and I agree on: there are a lot of smart, hard-working people in the financial industry.

A well-educated, hard-working, flexible, and enterprising workforce has always been one of Hong Kong's greatest strengths.

Those who know me would say I'm a passionate and hard-working mom and a community leader who knows how to get things done.

Hard-working men and women who have made America the strongest nation in the world are betrayed by Washington's trade policy.

There's nothing that special about me. I'm just a hard-working guy, I'm dyslexic, I had to overcome a lot of things like that.

My constituents include CU Buffs, ski bums, techies, artists, suburban soccer moms, and proud, hard-working Colorado families.

We need a country that embraces all, and rewards innovators, entrepreneurs, job creators, and hard-working people of all sorts.

For generations, Canada has been built by hard-working people who want to make sure their kids have a better life than they did.

The hard-working Mexican tries to get up here looking for opportunities because America's one of the greatest countries in the world.

This guy Jimmie Rivera, I like his attitude. I like what he represents. He's a hard-working guy, he's a respected guy, a respectful guy.

We all need to call upon our lawmakers to create a path to citizenship for hard-working, law-abiding undocumented people and their families.

I thought if we could put our hard-working culture as traders into the asset management, it will be a great combination, and we did do that.

The Philippines is strategically located and blessed with the greatest resource: its people, who are hard-working, very loyal, and very adaptive.

'Dirt Road Diaries,' in my mind, is a perfect country guy song. It speaks to the hard-working guy, and I'm excited for the fans to hear that one.

I believe when hard-working citizens have earned their pension, it's wrong for Washington bureaucrats and politicians to take their pensions away.

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