Make your heart bleed! Put your soul into that damn thing. And try new things.

You put your heart and soul into something and it makes you a little bit vulnerable.

Focus on you - your soul, spirit, blessing people with who you are, and following your heart's passions.

Never try to copy other writers, and never try to have a formula. It has to come from your heart and soul.

The films you do are not just for the audience. As an actor, you are putting your heart and soul into them.

Be true to your heart... put your whole heart and soul into it, and then whatever you do, it will shine through.

The music is within your heart, your soul, your spirit, and this is all I did when I sat at piano. I just go within.

You can stay in situations just for the sake of it. That can be a very dangerous thing and tough on your soul and heart.

The heart and soul of network programming is series programming, the weekly repetition of characters you like having in your house.

No matter what it is, you put too much, your heart and soul in it, you have to be passionate about it. You make too many sacrifices.

He Who is your Lord, the All-Merciful cherisheth in His heart the desire of beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body.

Oh, how miserable it is to have no one to share your sorrows and joys, and, when your heart is heavy, to have no soul to whom you can pour out your woes.

Command that in no way there be in your household any who make strife, discord or divisions in the hostel, but all shall be of one accord, of one will as of one heart and one soul.

Listen! Clam up your mouth and be silent like an oyster shell, for that tongue of yours is the enemy of the soul, my friend. When the lips are silent, the heart has a hundred tongues.

We are Disney, in a sense. When you've been there for 20 years, there's a certain heart and soul to one of those films, and you inhabit that to a certain degree. So if it feels true to you, then your audience will hopefully go for it.

When you really put your heart and soul into something, the temptation is to try to be in control of circumstances, however you can, and looking and seeing how people are responding. But I realized, early on, that that was just not going to be a healthy thing for me to do.

As a Jew, even if you were not born in Poland, the very name, Poland, gives rise to a shuddering in your body and a longing in your heart. This country was the breeding ground for the soul of the Jewish nation, and unfortunately, also grounds to the largest Jewish cemetery.

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