Over hill and under hill

I'm not a Beverly Hills dude.

Use the hills to get stronger!

Hills are terrific for running

Hills are terrific for running.

Praise a hill, but keepe below.

We'll make a bunker hill of it.

Faith Hill is a big role model.

Hills are speedwork in disguise.

The noonday quiet holds the hill.

It's a long climb up Fools' Hill.

Hill sprints are good for everyone!

I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill.

Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber.

The Beverly Hills Hotel is so iconic.

What an amazing place Beacon Hills is.

The longest hill must end in a valley.

To make a mountain out of a mole-hill.

And Damon Hill is following Damon Hill.

My kids think I'm old and over the hill.

I'd rather be over the hill than under it.

Omaha, like Rome, is built on seven hills.

The hills of one’s youth are all mountains

Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory.

The moonlight lay upon the hills like snow.

The Hills are alive with the sound of CRAP!

I run hills anytime I really have to think.

I'll bridge these hills with graceful arches

Few questions make long friends in the hills.

Yo. I'm from Beverly Hills, and I be pimpin'.

Time's horses gallop down the lessening hill.

San Francisco is poetry. Even the hills rhyme.

Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arise.

Truth and nonviolence are as old as the hills.

... there are shadows because there are hills.

Marriage is a journey. It's hills and valleys.

I couldn't take pictures of green rolling hills.

I have never coasted down a hill of frozen rain.

Summer comes over the hill like a hairy blanket.

The Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles is the best.

The road to success is long and up hill all the way

Hills tell old stories. Cliffs are poets with harps.

This just in: Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 3.

Alesi is in second place, and Hill is in second place.

Life in Beverly Hills is a game, and I make the rules.

God, give me hills to climb, And strength for climbing!

I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills.

A great sculpture can roll down a hill without breaking.

When you're over the hill, that's when you pick up speed.

A lot of people on Capitol Hill don't want to talk to me.

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