I'm an absolutely dreadful hockey player.

I'm not a freak show. I'm a hockey player.

I am a pretty tough guy. I'm an old hockey player.

I'm just a hockey player. I want to play every day.

It's in my blood to be an athlete, to be a hockey player.

I was a better hockey player than I was a baseball player.

I was always a decent hockey player, but I'd have never made the NHL.

The greatest hockey player who ever lived: Bobby Orr, and I love him.

For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a professional hockey player.

I don't just want to be a drag-flicker. I want to be become a complete hockey player.

I think I am the first hockey player in India to have a wax statue of his own. It is a great honour.

I know I'm black. Everyone knows I'm black. But I don't want to be defined as a black hockey player.

A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.

It's an amazing honor to be the fourth Black hockey player to go into the Hall of Fame. It's a huge thrill.

I was a rugby player, I was a hockey player. You know, I just love to challenge myself, and I love to compete.

I was a hockey player growing up. Being a big guy and being imposing, I had to use my size to protect my teammates.

You see a hockey player, you'd never know he's a professional athlete. But you put the skates on him, and he becomes a beast.

I never look at myself as a black player. I think of myself as a hockey player that wants to be the best player in the league.

I found my prince - he's a hockey player and we met at an NHL event, the last place I'd ever expect to meet someone, but there he was.

As a hockey player, playing for an Original Six team at Madison Square Garden, where it's packed every night, there's nothing like it.

I don't think you're going to see any hockey player tell the media or anyone they're the best player in the world. It's just not who we are.

To me, a hockey player has to be every sport rolled into one: ice skater, baseball player, football player, etc. It's just incredible to watch!

In Canada, for boys, your identity is built on hockey. It's your social position; it's everything. And I was the worst hockey player of Canada.

I think whenever anyone asked me why I wanted to be a hockey player, that's where it all started, watching the Winnipeg Jets play as a young kid.

If you want to do something for the rest of your life, it's not going to be easy, especially being a pro hockey player, so you need to work at it.

I don't think your focus as a hockey player or athlete can be anywhere else but how you want to impact the team on the ice or on the field or court.

I think I'm a mama's boy who wanted to be a hockey player, who failed, and had to become a singer. I think that I'm a generous, impatient, kind, jerk.

Growing up, I played hockey because I loved playing it. I didn't view myself in minor hockey as a Black hockey player, but I was also aware that I was.

I have six brothers and one sister. I grew up playing ice hockey, a total tomboy, and that's what I thought I was going to do - be an ice-hockey player.

I still love hockey. It's just I'm at a different stage of my life and I think I'm just ready to grow in other ways outside of just being a hockey player.

Choosing hockey to make a sports movie was a bit tough but I wanted to show people the hard work a hockey player puts in while going through his practice.

Like I said, a 30-year-old hockey player, even when I came to New York when I was 30, I was on the downside of my career, pretty much the end of my career.

After I started to understand the spiritual dimension of life, I understood the responsibilities you have as a husband, a father, a friend and a hockey player.

If you're dating the quarterback and then you go out with the hockey player, you just go to the hockey games. I don't think I'll still go to the football games.

I know hockey is not as popular as cricket in India, but I hope in future, every renowned hockey player should be given a fitting farewell rather than ignoring them.

I wanted to be a hockey player. Where I grew up, the basketball courts were rarely used. I was terrible in school and actually said, 'I'm going to be a hockey player.'

If Colleen Howe had been a hockey player, she would have been a centremen. I can see her as a centreman because you can do what you want and go wherever you want to go.

Since the beginning, I always loved the game. When you grow up in Montreal, one day you want to be a professional hockey player. When I was six or seven, I knew that was what I wanted.

With superstars like Aamirji and Salmanji playing real-life wrestlers, the sport will get some positive attention. Just like hockey did when Shah Rukhji played a hockey player in 'Chak De.'

I had all the usual ambition growing up. I wanted to be a writer, a musician, a hockey player. I wanted to do something that wasn't nine to five. Acting was the first thing I tried that clicked.

As a kid growing up in Montreal, I wanted to become either a hockey player or a wrestler. Since my family didn't have a lot of money, my parents never put me in a hockey league because it was so expensive.

I was a hockey player. I played hockey forever. That was my life and my job until I got injured, so I get sports, and I get the sports atmosphere, the feeling around other athletes, but I never played football.

I've always gone through adversity in this game, and I've always overcome it. My middle school coach told me that I was probably a better hockey player than a football player, and that still drives me every day.

I loved the idea of playing quarterback on Friday Night Lights in high school, that whole experience. I wanted to be a Division I quarterback, that became my goal growing up, other than being a professional hockey player.

Whether you're trying to learn in hockey or trying to learn in life, I've always tried to be observant and tried to learn more, tried to evolve, whether it's as a hockey player or as a person. With each year, I try to do that.

I was a really good ice hockey player when I was a kid. Now in the aftermath I think I wasn't maybe big enough, and I couldn't have put on enough muscle to actually be able to play with the better guys, but I was a really good skater.

The excitement of the fans in Montreal, especially in the playoffs, I don't think you can get that anywhere else. For a hockey player, I kind of wish everyone could go through that and experience what it is to play there. It's very unique.

The biggest downside of my current job is that I have to wear a suit to work. Wearing uncomfortable clothes on purpose is an example of what former Princeton hockey player and Nobel Prize winner Michael Spence taught economists to call 'signaling.'

I find that I've tried to become a better hockey player every year and not just hold on. At the same time, I've also made it a point to increase or grow in some other area of my life. If I were just playing hockey, I would probably be done with the sport.

I have six brothers and one sister, and I was an ice hockey player when I was younger. I think my dad thought I was going to be in the women's league for ice hockey. But, I totally fell in love with drama in grade school, and I asked my mom if I could get involved with it.

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