Career politicians manufacture hogwash.

Style and Structure are the essence of a book; great ideas are hogwash.

You just keep feeding hogwash to people, and pretty soon they'll eat it.

They say Afghanistan is the worst country for a girl to be born. Hogwash!

For every giver there must be a receiver, and for every receiver there must be a giver.

I have no interest in Shakespeare and all that British nonsense... I just wanted to get famous and all the rest is hogwash.

I used to have a lot of superstitions, and then I realized that it was kind of hogwash. Once I let go of them, I relaxed a lot.

Writers often say that characters begin to write themselves, and I never used to believe that. I always thought that was complete hogwash.

The suggestion that we were pursuing consolidation as a replacement for reaching our financial targets by 2018 is fundamentally a bunch of hogwash.

Good advertising should give the reader essential facts about the product or company advertised and should do so engagingly without trickery or hogwash.

If the rabble continues to occupy itself with you, then simply don't read that hogwash, but rather leave it for the reptile from whom it has been fabricated.

It's hogwash to say drunkenness is no excuse for crime... Wherever mind altering drugs are on sale to the public, we should expect mind altered behaviour from the public.

Some critics argue that a tsunami of hogwash has already rendered the Web useless. I disagree. We are indeed inundated by online noise pollution, but the problem is soluble.

I don't buy into any of that hogwash. They put that out to sell tickets. It's just a classic horror movie, with the Greek drama formula of good versus evil, and lots of fear.

There's many women now who think, 'Surely we don't need feminism anymore, we're all liberated and society's accepting us as we are'. Which is just hogwash. It's not true at all.

Very often, people will come out and say, 'Greeks aren't doing things, Greeks aren't making changes, there's no reform,' That is hogwash. We have made a huge effort. The Greek people have made a huge effort.

Something I'm going to try to really instill in my own family is a lot of tradition. And, I used to have a lot of superstitions, and then I realized that it was kind of hogwash. Once I let go of them, I relaxed a lot.

Jesus shouldn't have died so early and then he could have got twice as much across. They killed him and then twisted so many of the best things he said. Human hands started messing it all up and now so much of religion is hogwash.

For years we've been told by secretive power hoarders we need to compromise some of our hot freedom for security. Civil Libertarians have always known that hogwash claim was stinkier than week old trout jam, and we have warned about compromising liberty in the name of safety.

In the name of feminism, we denied some essential aspects of our authentic selves. While feminism should have been nothing if not a celebration of our own unique characteristics, we insisted that we had no unique characteristics... that gender differences were hogwash, and a feminine woman was nothing more than a plaything for men.

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