Iowa is always home for me.

Boston is always going to be a second home for me.

Goa is always leisure for me; it's become my home away from home.

'American Idol' became a juggernaut of epic proportions, but to me it was always like home.

There were other clubs that I had options to go to, but Fulham has always kind of been like home to me.

Atlanta has accepted me with open arms. Baltimore is always my first home but being able to come here is special.

My mother liked to command me to do things I found scary. I always wanted to stay home and read. My mother only ever wanted me to get away.

No, I'm so well-known at home I think they think of me like a piece of comfortable furniture that's always been around that they're not going to throw out.

Although I have lived in London, I have never really considered London my home because it was always going to be a stopping-off point for me, and it has been too.

I take my mobile phone and iPad wherever I go. I like to switch off when I'm on holiday, but I always check emails in case someone at home is trying to get hold of me.

I always wanted my own fragrance because I could never find the right scent for me. At home, I would always mix bottles of my favorite fragrances to create a unique and different scent.

I took a film course in grade ten that made me want to direct, and I've always been making short films and home videos with my friends, so it's definitely something I wanna pursue as well.

Scotland was home to me from when I was 12 up until I was 22. I decided to drop my English bit, and when anyone asked where I came from, I always said Scotland. It really shaped the fibres of my being.

When you think Tink, you should just think of me as that around-the-way girl - relatable and honest. Even in my lifestyle, my entire aura is real. I don't sugarcoat anything, whether I'm on stage or home in Chicago or just behind the scenes just chilling. I'm the same person you see on stage, always.

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