I don't hit home runs in BP.

I don't go up there and try to hit home runs.

Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games.

You hit home runs not by chance but by preparation.

Pitching keeps you in the games. Home runs win the game.

Chicks who dig home runs aren't the ones who appeal to me.

I want to be the player who hits home runs, drives in runs.

All the New York City Ballet does is hit beautiful home runs.

Managing is getting paid for home runs that someone else hits.

You don't win the game if you try to hit home runs all the time.

I was afraid if I started to hit home runs, my average would drop.

I am more valuable to my team hitting .330 then swinging for home runs.

I don't care about the home runs as much as just being consistent and RBIs.

I don't try to hit home runs. I just try to meet the ball and get base hits.

Ability is the art of getting credit for all the home runs somebody else hits.

I always try to have some good at-bats. Home runs come once in a while; that's good.

It would have been a helluva lot more fun if I had not hit those sixty-one home runs.

I just try to get on anyway that I can, hit, hit-by-pitch, walk, home runs, anything.

My dad hit 152 home runs and that's the person I wanted to be like. My hero growing up.

How to hit home runs: I swing as hard as I can, and I try to swing right through the ball.

When you're in the middle of a pennant race, you can't go up there thinking about home runs.

I'm sure people will wonder if I could have hit all those home runs had I never taken steroids.

One minute you're starting left fielder, hitting home runs; the next, it's career over. I was 20.

You get caught up in hitting home runs and seeing how far you can hit them, and your swing changes.

Who would people rather see, a real hitter hitting home runs or a pitcher swinging a wet newspaper?

My situation is different from Mark's. I'm not looking for home runs, I'm looking for the playoffs.

I'm the same guy I've always been. I'm the same guy now as when I was hitting 50 home runs. I don't change.

If that had been my only purpose in life - to call home runs and touchdowns - I'd lead a pretty shallow life.

When did it - When did it become okay for someone to hit home runs and forget how to play the rest of the game?

David Ortiz is a genius. He's incredible to watch. Over and over, he hits home runs that are simply transcendent.

The key to hitting a lot of home runs as a player at Kauffman Stadium is that you'd better run into some on the road.

I'm hoping someday that some kid, black or white, will hit more home runs than myself. Whoever it is, I'd be pulling for him.

I may not hit 50, 40 or 30 home runs, but I can do the little things like moving runners over that don't show up in the box score.

Stealing bases is just something I like to do. I figure if I can hit home runs and steal bases, I'd be different than everybody else.

The triple is the most exciting play in baseball. Home runs win a lot of games, but I never understood why fans are so obsessed with them.

I had strong legs that would have made me a good sumo wrestler and I used that to my advantage, but my home runs were achieved by technique.

Reading isn't good for a ballplayer. Not good for his eyes. If my eyes went bad even a little bit I couldn't hit home runs. So I gave up reading.

For a long time, I'd been vaguely fascinated by the idea that Charles Lindbergh flew the Atlantic and Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs in the same summer.

You can't put a price on what Mark McGwire brings to the Cardinals organization. The responsibility he accepts is as great as any number of home runs.

Obviously, being a first baseman, you're kind of expected to hit some home runs. Obviously, that goes into your head; it gets into my head a little bit.

Used to be bats had thick handles and a big barrel. Then they found it's not the size of the bat that gets home runs - it's the speed with which you can swing it.

Willie Mays could throw better, and Hank Aaron could hit more home runs. But I've got enthusiasm. I've got desire. I've got hustle. Those are God-given talents, too.

It was everyone going up there to swing for the fences, because the home runs were what would get them on 'SportsCenter.' That really changed the mindset of the players.

I've never been a guy that's consistently hit home runs. It's always seemed to come, like, three or four in a week or two, and then I'll shut it down for a couple of weeks.

The questions don't happen when you hit 30 homers, right? If you hit 30 home runs, you hit 40 doubles, I don't think anybody questions your conditioning or your offseason program.

I heard Tony Bennett say that when you're a big deal early on, you have to maintain that level forever, and it's very scary. You have to keep hitting those home runs, turning out hits.

I'd get 3-4 cheap home runs every year. You know, little 'wood shots' down either line. They would be pop flies in any other park. But, goodness me, they didn't count the number of long outs!

In Cuba, I would start the first two months hitting around .260 with three or four home runs. After the first half of the season, I would get hot, and that's when I would have my best results.

I take my vote as a salute to the little guy, the one who doesn't hit 500 home runs. I was one of the guys that did all they could to win. I'm proud of my stats, but I don't think I ever got on for.

No one hit home runs the way Babe did. They were something special. They were like homing pigeons. The ball would leave the bat, pause briefly, suddenly gain its bearings, then take off for the stands.

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