I love the French horn.

You never toot your own horn.

God sends a curst cow short horns.

Hey, angel, your horns are sticking up.

Talk of the devil, and his horns appear.

Ann's got to take her nerve by the horns.

I wish I could score everything for horns.

Horns always influenced me more than voices.

Thou shalt not horn in on thy husbands racket

All the fun is locking horns with impossibilities.

It never hurts to toot your own horn once in a while.

I don't get involved in politics. I just blow my horn.

The wolf attacks with his fang, the bull with his horn.

He has hay upon his horn. [He is a mischievous person.]

From fear of the unknown, both horns and wings have grown.

I take the bull by the horns and make a plan and go for it.

A curst Cow hath short hornes. [A curst cow has short horns.]

There aren't demons flying around with horns, people are demons.

The horns came riding in like the rainbow masts of silver ships.

When you take the bull by the horns...what happens is a toss-up.

He who goes oftenest round Cape Horn goes the most circumspectly.

Life is a constant oscillation between the sharp horns of dilemmas.

I stole everything I ever heard, but mostly I stole from the horns.

Oh,' she said. 'I have never seen a Jew before. Can I see his horns?

You can't play anything on a horn that Louis Armstrong hasn't played

I love horns, and the bigger the band, the better it sounds to my ear.

If you don't toot your own horn, don't complain that there's no music.

If you don't toot your own horn, someone else will use it as a spittoon.

Do I believe in the devil? I don't believe in a figure with horns and a tail.

A diamond, though set in horns, is still a diamond, and sparkles in purest gold.

Remarkable only the very best arrangers can get a sound like that from four horns

Beware the horns of a bull, the heels of the horse, and the smile of an Englishman.

Where, where was Roderick then? One blast upon his bugle horn Were worth a thousand men.

I think generally I'm a pretty good person if I had to grade myself. Or toot my own horn.

I don't think I'm singing. I feel like I'm playing a horn...What comes out is what I feel.

Most calves used by the dairy industry have their horns BURNED or GOUGED out of their heads.

With horns and a full rhythm section, the drums always looked like the best seat in the house.

Everyone is given one gift, a reason for being, and it's our obligation to do something with it.

I just came from Aspen, Colorado and they had fifteen kids I played for and they all played horns.

But they're already singing our praises!" "They are Americans. They toot their horns for anything.

You have injuries that bother you when you're not playing. When that horn blows, you don't feel it.

Never let the horns and woodwinds out of your sight; if you can hear them at all, they are too loud.

I shouldn't toot my own horn, but he who doth not toot his own horn alloweth it to remain untooteth.

If you can't toot your own horn, toot another woman's! It's the best way to elevate women to be leaders.

Car horns were invented to warn other drivers of your presence, not to express displeasure or greetings.

In the Horn of Africa now, there are tens of thousands dying from the extreme vulnerability they are living in.

How could you have a soccer team if all were goalkeepers? How would it be an orchestra if all were French horns?

One thing that's great about the sax is that you can always get better with the horn and improve upon what you did.

...the habitual dualist's solution to the problem of dualism: to solve the dilemma by chopping off one of the horns.

Humans had a saying. Mess with the bull and get the horns. Well, Harpies had a saying, too. Mess with a Harpy and die.

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