Can one move an empire as if it were a house?

We never talk about gambling around my house.

Running a house should be left to innkeepers.

Every bowling center should have a house pro.

We can't have Donald Trump in the White House.

George is the best little dishwasher in Texas.

For a single path leads to the house of Hades.

You could start an argument in an empty house.

There's a communist living in the White House!

A man in the house is worth two in the street.

There will be no whitewash in the White House.

Every great house is full of haughty servants.

I'm a very bad citizen. I've never even voted.

There is no house like the house of belonging.

Faith is the spiritual house in which we live.

A babe in a house is a well-spring of pleasure.

I send messages to the White House continuously

My father was never anti-anything in our house.

I've been to the White House a number of times.

The house of every one is to him as his castle.

Happiness is a small house, with a big kitchen.

I wanted to give the house back to the parents.

A foolish man... built his house upon the sand.

Houses, like faces, hide all kinds of memories.

I'm not homophobic. I'm not scared of my house.

A husband is very much like a house or a horse.

Writers do not come out of houses without books.

So in my mind I own a lot of house records still

Dogs do not grasp the concept of house cleaning.

[White House is] the finest prison in the world.

I live in the garden; I just sleep in the house.

The smaller it is the heart, more hatred houses.

Lawyers houses are built on the heads of fooles.

How could I stand by and watch my house on fire?

Man or woman in the White House. How about that?

I grew up in a haunted house, reading Dr. Seuss.

I bought my first house because of Animal House.

To become a photographer leave your house first.

No one comes into our house and pushes us around.

The recycling in my house was imposed by my kids.

Be willing that any feeling can visit your house.

The world may be known Without leaving the house.

I'm not one to dwell on rehearsal or preparation.

I was born in a lovely white house with a garden.

If you come into my house, I'm going to hurt you.

But then architects don't build their own houses.

You can burn a lot of calories mopping the house.

Grace thou thy house and let not that grace thee.

I'm super organized, but a horrible house cleaner.

It's hard to want to let somebody into your house.

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