The radio is just a stereo like a house ain't a home.

Dub and reggae... I play that a lot around the house.

I love my house. I love my family. I love my animals.

There's not much benefit in attacking an empty house.

A house with no fireplace is a house without a heart.

It would drive me crazy to be a guest in my own house.

When I make an error, it's a very bad day in my house.

When a man has a flower in his life he builds a house.

What good is a dream house if you haven't got a dream?

We do not need to burn down the house to kill the rats

People who live in seven houses shouldn't throw stones

It was not a house where secrets could be kept easily.

I am a working woman with a secret life: I keep house.

The house is a fine house, when good folks are within.

I literally went from the outhouse to the White House.

Don't get married in a house where there is no toilet.

In many, many ways... Hufflepuff is my favorite house.

I'm a weirdo. I don't leave the house unless I have to.

Is it true cats wont stay in a house when it's haunted?

I have been very happy in the House of Representatives.

I was a Democratic governor with two Republican houses.

I never buy a house thinking that I'm going to sell it.

Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.

I never leave the house without putting on my lipstick.

but you were a fool to bring that pider into this house

Fine dressing is a foule house swept before the doores.

Pfft, who wants to make a movie about a guy in a house?

I drive one car. I own one house. That's enough for me.

My brother Mark still lives in the house we grew up in.

Do I really want to be integrated into a burning house?

I must hurry back to my house and my flowers in Monaco.

It is a hell of a thing to be hungry in your own house.

Rarely do great beauty and great virtue dwell together.

Keeping Crooked Hillary Clinton out of the White House!

I am full of gratitude for my life - and for this house.

For Cider House Rules, I was doing a New England accent.

Doing a house is so much harder than doing a skyscraper.

It's only a house when it's filled with people you love.

Nobody shoulders a rifle in defense of a boarding house.

One shouldn't talk of halters in the hanged man's house.

When you build the house, you don't start with the roof.

I will get married when I build a house in Banana Island

What kind of life can you have in a house without books?

More and more, I feel the need for a house and a garden.

Don't say 'the White House wants.' Buildings can't want.

You can't blame a match for a house made of straw, Alek.

We buy our own toilet paper even here in the White House.

Houses are for private living, for friends, and for dogs.

There's many a slip twixt the blueprints and a new house.

I've always dreamed of having a year-round haunted house.

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