hybrid, n. A pooled issue.

My accent's become a weird hybrid.

Taylor's music is a hybrid with integrity

A bald man driving a hybrid is a very sexy thing.

I wish people would spend their money on hybrid cars.

A businessman is a hybrid of a dancer and a calculator.

I drive a hybrid. It's a Ford Escape. That's my only car.

Faction is that hybrid of documented fact and novelistic elaboration.

Maybe I should drive a hybrid. I do have a shirt that says, 'Go Green.'

I don't believe in the electric cars, but I strongly believe in hybrids.

My first love is acting on stage. A sitcom is a hybrid of stage and film.

All real capitalisms are impure hybrids, mongrels mixed with other strains.

Ideally I would like the work to be a hybrid between painting and photography.

Zoomin is a hybrid model. The management and founding team is the one with half.com.

I am a hybrid. I do independent films and also do Hollywood films - I love them both.

So American culture is itself a hybrid and lends itself to use in other people's hybrids.

My sound is super hybrid; the acoustic sounds are there and the electronic sounds are there.

I buy records from all across the board. I get kind of a hybrid of influences in my own music.

Well, as you know, General Motors does not make hybrids. Ford only made 4,000 hybrids last year.

As a child I wanted to be a kind of hybrid of Ferris Beuller, Ace Ventura, Bette Midler, and Lucille Ball.

I drive a hybrid, moving into an electric car. I only drink tap water, never consume food that's travelled.

I need to get better with my 3-wood and hybrid. Those are the clubs I missed the majority of my fairways with.

I sometimes sit and draw people on the bus, or some fantasy hybrid animal. You know, wherever the hand will lead.

I wanted to come up with a hybrid show of sorts that wasn't your traditional 'dump and stir' type of cooking show.

The euro is a hybrid of a fixed exchange-rate regime, like the 1980s ERM or the 1930s gold standard, and a state currency.

What does everyone in America own? A car. What is the quickest way to reduce our dependence on oil? Embrace hybrid technology.

Each customer has unique deployment needs, and as a result, CIOs value the flexibility that our hybrid cloud offerings provide.

You are not just a funny person or just a journalist. Most people are hybrids of having a smart opinion and a great sense of humor.

Hybrids have become an important method for improving productivity or yield in many crops including the self-pollinated crop like rice.

A Prius is not a true hybrid, really. The current Prius is, like, 2 percent electric. It's a gasoline car with slightly better mileage.

The hybrid I have now is one of the least expensive cars I've ever had. I had a BMW 318i convertible once, the ultimate driving machine.

It's not like 'Print versus Digital - only one will survive.' We live in a hybrid world now, and I think the near-term future is also hybrid.

The car industry has invested a lot in hybrid, but my opinion is electric cars will take over a lot of hybrids quicker than people think now.

Being a conductor is kind of a hybrid profession because most fundamentally, it is being someone who is a coach, a trainer, an editor, a director.

By planting more, we find new hybrid of cocoa, and by doing that, we lose some quality. So the price of the very high-end chocolates rises even more.

Being a hybrid maker off and on over the years, I'm very comfortable with the idea and have been the subject of quite a few pretty good mash-ups myself.

I drive a hybrid, and we've changed our light bulbs and windows and installed solar panels and geothermal ground source heat pumps and most everything else.

I don't think of myself as either American or Australian really, I'm a true hybrid. It's a good thing for me because both of them are really good countries.

No, no, no separate but equal... never the twain shall meet. And the pendulum kept swinging and it came to rest in the bastard hybrid known as the Daily Show.

When people ask me what is an editorial cartoonist, I often say we're kind of a hybrid. We're a cross between Edward R. Morrow, Ted Koppel and the Son of Sam.

The Accenture hybrid class solution for Microsoft Azure will provide a new wave for our clients to transform to a truly enterprise wide hybrid cloud environment.

I always used to say hybrids would rule the world - people who have an understanding of many cultures and can relate to them with ease. And then along came Obama.

I'm an artist and an engineer, which is, increasingly, a more common kind of hybrid. But I still fall into this weird crack where people don't seem to understand me.

I've actually made a prediction that within 30 years a majority of new cars made in the United States will be electric. And I don't mean hybrid, I mean fully electric.

The biggest misconception about us is that we're just a rock band. We think our music is a cross-section of many genres; a hybrid of what the six of us have grown up on.

I was an actor as a kid in Boston. Then I went to art school with Brice Marden, the Massachusetts College of Art. So the hybrid of being an actor and artist is a director.

I took part of Alan Silvestri's theme on the original movie, which I really liked, and I pulled it into it new theme, which became kind of a hybrid. I really enjoyed that.

There's always been a confusion about my sensibility. 'Is he kind of edgy, or is he Carol Burnett?' I'm a little bit of a hybrid. I like to please, but I like dark stuff, too.

The thing about places like Trinidad and Jamaica is that they can be very musically insular. There isn't much space for kids making hip-hop, electronic music, or hybrid genres.

New technologies such as solar systems or hybrid cars aren't created overnight. By extending these tax credits we are giving this industry time to grow, branch out and succeed.

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