America, I am not ignoring you.

Ignoring prostate cancer won't beat it.

By ignoring tomorrow, we undermine today.

Ignoring facts does not make them go away.

Practical politics consists in ignoring facts.

Only white men have the luxury of ignoring race.

Washington has been ignoring this issue for too long.

I'm tired of ignoring that I march to a different beat.

Nothing has ever become better by ignoring the reality.

There is no philosophy without the art of ignoring objections.

Beijing has a history of ignoring the rules. It takes pride in it.

Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history.

You don't get unity by ignoring the questions that have to be faced.

It's no use ignoring looks or charm if you're going into the theatre.

When you're focused on your enemy, then you are ignoring your allies.

Your fears never go away. You just get more comfortable ignoring them.

Every moment in our lives is a miracle we should enjoy instead of ignoring.

Ignoring a child's disrespect is the surest guarantee that it will continue.

I have learnt the hard way that ignoring a small fry can be many times harmful.

I think that by ignoring the show you're ignoring the audience who put you there.

I don't have the luxury of ignoring the law and running a program that's unlawful.

Our leaders have to stop ignoring the impact that culture is having on our nation.

In marriage, there's a lot of ignoring each other, which is hard to fake on-screen.

You can't crush ideas by suppressing them. You can only crush them by ignoring them.

I'm actually a big fan of turning off my phone and ignoring it for large chunks of the day.

America is in a state of somnolence. It's an avoidance of paranoia through ignoring reality.

Iran is part of the problem, not the solution. And the Russian government is ignoring reality.

Ignoring the needs of your body, both physically and mentally, could be very harmful later on.

'The Book of Love' is the kind of James L. Brooks mainstream movie that the majors are ignoring.

One must be deliberately ignoring reality to pretend that our asylum process is not being abused.

You've got people who are looking at DNA evidence and other evidence like that and they're ignoring it.

We had eight years of Barack Obama depleting our military, ignoring a lot of the threats around the world.

I have a study now - I used not to. I also love working in cafes; ignoring noise is good for concentration.

To be counter to the culture, you are by definition willfully and actively ignoring the culture, i.e., reality.

James Bridenstine is a climate denier with no scientific background who has made a career out of ignoring science.

I'm focused on my future. I'm ignoring my past, apart from the bits that I draw from to help me focus on my future.

Markets are lethal, if only because of ignoring externalities, the impacts of their transactions on the environment.

The consequences of ignoring the Lord and His prophets are certain and often accompanied by great sorrow and regret.

I feel my family's needs are a priority. I'm not comfortable with the idea of serving the many and ignoring my family.

It's about believing in yourself and ignoring the fact that men dominate it. In fact, I feel women are as strong as men.

It's time we stopped ignoring the environment. Let's not let another election go by without making this a high priority.

As the fly bangs against the window attempting freedom while the door stands open, so we bang against death ignoring heaven.

Firefighters go where they're needed, sometimes ignoring the dangers even when no one is inside a burning building to be saved.

Lots of countries have great constitutions, but their leaders have a practice of ignoring the rules whenever they feel like it.

That's when you know you really fit with someone - when you can just sit there and not do anything. Kind of ignoring each other.

It's almost 10 years since the 2008 crisis, but we all still remember the consequences of ignoring threats to the public finances.

My new song 'Shrug' I created with two guys. The idea was a message about ignoring haters. People one-up you, stay true to yourself.

People started saying I was ignoring my country, making up stories about me. Ludicrous things, like that I throw tea on my assistants.

I've learned how to measure what I say. Al Sharpton in 1986 was trying to be heard. I was a local guy and was like, 'Y'all are ignoring us.'

We are also ignoring and underfunding high speed rail which is one of the best ways to move citizens and improve congestion on our highways.

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