A good impression is lost so quickly.

I'm so bad at spontaneous impressions.

The extreme always makes an impression.

First impressions are always unreliable.

Even my great grand-mother did impressions

With me it's always about first impressions.

Im known for impressions and family stories.

A picture is the expression of an impression

An indigo snake leaves a lasting impression.

I do a very good impression of Louis Armstrong.

Bill Hader does a really good impression of me.

I just don't give off a great first impression.

The extreme always seems to make an impression.

My daughter has impressions that she does of me.

He did a very good impression of a stone column.

A color is as strong as the impression it creates.

Getting the Oscar had the biggest impression on me.

The impressions of childhood are never obliterated.

She was but a transient impression, half forgotten.

Ease makes less of an impression on us than struggle.

The Fred Astaire movies made a huge impression on me.

There is such a thing as the impression of luminosity.

Do you guys like impressions? "Why?" That was Socrates.

I always have the impression that I write the same book.

After years of doing impressions, its time for a change.

To say I removes a false impression of a Jovian aloofness.

Poetry is the exquisite expression of exquisite impressions.

Do not suffer a sudden impression to overbear your judgment.

My belief is you have one chance to make a first impression.

It only takes a second for an impression to become a vision.

My impression is that the NBA always precluded anything else.

My first public impression was my French teacher, Derek Swift.

In '87, I used to do this awful, awful James Brown impression.

My impression is that the people who say most understand least.

I like when you are telling a story and fall into an impression.

My impression was, 'This Hollywood thing doesn't seem too hard.'

Every story takes its toll on me and leaves an impression on me.

A good impression is great. But a bad impression is even better.

I like to have the impression that whatever is happening is true.

We've created an impression that life is risk-free, and it's not.

Subtle impressions for which words are quite too coarse a medium.

I just get the impression that everyone is willing me to succeed.

Whatever makes an impression on the heart seems lovely in the eye.

A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.

I mean yeah, your individual style is your impression to the world.

I am not obsessed about making an impression on the Premier League.

We didn't sell a lot of records, but somehow we left an impression.

Each of my clubs made an impression on me, but Arsenal was special.

A good impression is sort of a juxtaposition of disparate elements.

Because I had an accent, people had this impression that I was dumb.

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