Men are victims of their own impulses.

Impulses are hard to come by these days.

Mistrust first impulses; they are nearly always good.

Often, when I want to consult my impulses, I cannot find them.

We humans actually need help controlling our impulses - nudges.

Dark impulses certainly exist in me and, I think, in most people.

The ruling ethos of Seattle is forlorn apology for our animal impulses.

One of my impulses in acting has always to make people feel less alone.

I write based on powerful inner impulses, and those seem to shift over time.

The creative impulses of man are always at war with the possessive impulses.

I sometimes like the situation that forces you to rely on your instinct and impulses.

People do all sorts of things impulsively and follow those impulses into strange places.

All these primary impulses, not easily described in words, are the springs of man's actions.

The art of living consists in knowing which impulses to obey and which must be made to obey.

The camera introduces us to unconscious optics as does psychoanalysis to unconscious impulses.

When we were putting together 'One Of Us,' we were just following our impulses and what felt good.

I got interested in computers and how they could be enslaved to the megalomaniac impulses of a teenager.

Mindful meditation has been discovered to foster the ability to inhibit those very quick emotional impulses.

One of the things I think about as I've evolved as an architect is, 'Where do the poetic impulses come from?'

Most of us actually stifle enough good impulses during the course of a day to change the current of our lives.

I was a crazy young man who let himself be blinded by his passions and obeyed only the impulses of the moment.

Restricting the religious impulses of Americans is precisely like killing free enterprise with too many regulations.

'The Waking Dark' is about what happens when something awakens a town's darkest impulses and unleashes them on the world.

The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease. The happy man inevitably confines himself within ancient limits.

One of the reasons why so few of us ever act, instead of react, is because we are continually stifling our deepest impulses.

So the universe is constantly moving in the direction of higher evolutionary impulses, creativity, abstraction, and meaning.

The great achievement of the Catholic Church lay in harmonizing, civilizing the deepest impulses of ordinary, ignorant people.

Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless.

A family is too frail a vessel to contain the risks of all the warring impulses expressed when such a group meets on common ground.

My deepest impulses are optimistic, an attitude that seems to me as spiritually necessary and proper as it is intellectually suspect.

That's why teenagers fascinate me - they're like children with drivers' licenses. Like children in that their impulses are so direct.

There are two contrary impulses which govern this man's brain-the one sane, and the other eccentric. They alternate at regular intervals.

The nice thing about the zodiac as a system is it is quite comprehensive as a range of impulses and psychological states it can speak about.

We live in this miraculous technological environment, and yet our human behaviour is still governed by basic impulses from prehistoric times.

I have always trusted my impulses. I have always believed that once I'm in the circumstances, whatever they may be, I will find the right way.

The world may be driven by the same ancient impulses. We will continue to see human struggles and successes. We will witness human glory and tragedies.

If we dismiss from our minds the prejudice we may have against the Indians we shall be able to more clearly understand the impulses that govern both races.

The intimate contest for self-command never ends, and lifetime happiness requires finding the right balance between present impulses and future well-being.

I hate Botox, but a fabulous-looking friend of mine told me her secret was this gadget that uses electrical impulses to tone your facial muscles. It works!

It is not possible to educate the will and the healthy soul that underlies it unless we develop insights that awaken energetic impulses in the soul and will.

I think religious individualism doesn't fulfill impulses toward community and solidarity and it doesn't necessarily work for people when things go really bad.

New York has really thrived both upstate and downstate when there are tens of thousands of small businesses all representing their different creative impulses.

Kids are different from adults. They are not as developed as far as brain science, controlling impulses, and maturity, and fall prey to all kinds of pressures.

I love the idea of the amateur - that's what popular culture is all about. But what the Internet's doing is professionalizing everyone's amateuristic impulses.

We are all ruled in what we do by impulses; and these impulses are so organized that our actions in general serve for our self preservation and that of the race.

With my early work I got eviscerated by my male professors, and so you learned to disguise your impulses, as many women have done. And that's definitely changed.

Some friends of mine who are actors feel directing shuts them down and kills all their impulses, but the worst thing for me is if I feel a director hasn't noticed.

There is no such thing as a homosexual or a heterosexual person. There are only homo- or heterosexual acts. Most people are a mixture of impulses if not practices.

We must reject the easy impulses of bitterness and rancor and embrace the difficult work, but the important work, the vital work of finding a path forward together.

Many a man gets weary of clamping down on his rough impulses, which if given occasional release would encourage the living of life with salt in it, in place of dust.

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