I don't feel it incumbent on me to make sense of everything.

I think it is incumbent on all human beings to oppose injustice in every form.

Every re-election campaign is a referendum on the incumbent. Every. Single. One.

I was rowing the boat alone against a tide, running against an incumbent in 2013.

It's incumbent on all of us to remember our history and not repeat our past sins.

Washington is an incumbent protection machine. Technology is fundamentally disruptive.

Honestly, if you are going to run for public office, I think it's incumbent... to speak up.

If you take over a programme from a longstanding incumbent, not everyone's going to like it.

It's incumbent on good public servants to maintain their voices and originality of thinking.

The first tenet is that you should report corruption regardless of loyalty to incumbent or party.

I think it's incumbent on actresses to bring something else to the part which isn't in the script.

As an incumbent, if you are winning, your commercials are about motherhood and apple pie and the flag.

For an incumbent like a president, who's been in the news every day, their family, they're well known.

It's incumbent upon all members of Congress to support legislation that keeps us safe at home and abroad.

My first campaign was pretty ugly: the incumbent came after me hard with a lot of things that weren't true.

It was important for us to be as supportive as our candidates and as our incumbent senators would have us be.

Whatever you're selling, storage or networking or security, you're going head to head with the incumbent players.

What's historically been referred to as 'gerrymandering' can more aptly be labeled an incumbent protection program.

It is incumbent upon us to understand our greatness and believe in it so that we do not cheapen and profane ourselves.

It's incumbent on you to play games outside your region that will really test you. That's important to keep your edge.

It is very difficult for any dictator or any incumbent to falsify the results of an election and just get away with it.

If the incumbent or his party has been discredited sufficiently, the challenger can run a successful, content-free campaign.

In 2004, I ran for Congress and lost. In 2006, I ran again and won - defeating Richard Pombo, a seven-term Republican incumbent.

Freedom rests on a rational distrust of government; government will always use its power to benefit the incumbent administration.

To give aid to every poor man is far beyond the reach and power of every man. Care of the poor is incumbent on society as a whole.

A lot of web companies will take a short-term approach and sell to an incumbent and don't end up living up to their full potential.

History has shown that challenging an incumbent president in the primary almost inevitably leads to defeat in the general election.

You have to give kids something to rebel against. You can't like their music - you have to call it noise. It's incumbent on a parent.

I wanted to do well for me and for Maura. It is bigger than me. I have a responsibility. It's incumbent upon me to do Maura the best I can.

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.

It's incumbent on us to reach beyond the confines of the institutions that traditionally produce art and find new ways to get it to the people.

Child abuse is a heinous and personally damaging crime; it is therefore incumbent on the Church to treat such matters with the utmost seriousness.

Every time you see a new paradigm emerge, it's always new vendors that lead it. I can't think of one case where an incumbent led a paradigm shift.

As I got more successful, I felt it was more incumbent upon me to help the other people. I did more and more and the more I did the more I wanted.

It is incumbent upon us to respond to the unique needs of military women and ensure they receive proper care during the first year following childbirth.

I ran for my first office at 25 against an incumbent city councilman. I took 55% of the vote and became the youngest councilman in the area at the time.

I was gifted with a life that was full of adventure. I've always believed, if you're gifted, that it's incumbent not to think about giving something back.

I think it is incumbent on anyone who can to lift human dignity to the highest possible levels, maintaining one's own and helping to raise that of others.

Once you realize just the sort of glut of books that exists out there, it does become incumbent on you not to add to it unless you have a damn good reason.

It is incumbent on us to facilitate the development of a market structure that best assures that these changes benefit the U.S. securities markets as a whole.

It is incumbent upon all of us to build communities with the educational opportunities and support systems in place to help our youth become successful adults.

When police or prosecutors conceal significant exculpatory or impeaching material, we hold, it is ordinarily incumbent on the state to set the record straight.

Close elections tend to break toward the challenger because undecided voters - having held out so long against the incumbent - are by nature looking for change.

The Internet provides the access to resources, so it's incumbent upon the people who control those resources to make sure that the economic engine stays intact.

The Athenians are right to accept advice from anyone, since it is incumbent on everyone to share in that sort of excellence, or else there can be no city at all.

In times of crisis, the incumbent suffers. And the bigger the crisis, the greater the punishment inflicted on those in power unless they do something that makes a change.

I believe it is incumbent upon Congress to act aggressively to ameliorate fear and help our country take the essential steps that will make our communities and lives safer.

If you look at that 2008 Democratic primary, there was no more formidable, unstoppable candidate - other than an incumbent President - in modern times than Hillary Clinton.

Well, the common enemy in North America is the Western consumer. The consumer has driven oil up to $50 a barrel so we have to have these wars. I think it's incumbent upon us to.

In the midst of applying for American citizenship, of finally attempting to get my presidents in a row, I felt it incumbent upon myself to explore the national psyche in every way.

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