We killed an innocent girl

Marvelous are the innocent.

Encourage innocent amusement.

...language is never innocent.

I didn't kill innocent people.

An innocent bureaucratic snafu.

I am not guilty, I am innocent.

I don't attack innocent people.

You're innocent when you dream.

God made all pleasures innocent.

There are no innocent bystanders.

In every war, innocent people die.

The artificial is always innocent.

Be innocent, wise and ninety-five.

Every previous era looks innocent.

Life swarms with innocent monsters.

You're innocent until proven guilty.

Hypocrites always wanna play innocent

Pain forces even the innocent to lie.

No innocent person ever has an alibi.

He who is penitent is almost innocent.

Vulgarity is innocent; urbanity is not.

Innocent, unbiased observation is a myth.

There are many innocent people in prison.

I'm masquerading as an innocent pop star.

The innocent mansion of a panther's heart!

We become innocent when we are unfortunate.

Like love, travel makes you innocent again.

Art, however innocent, looks like deceiving.

Attacking innocent people is always obscene.

God has joined the innocent with the guilty.

Everyone is innocent unless proven otherwise.

To spare the guilty is to injure the innocent.

I think when you are 17 you are very innocent.

A clear and innocent conscience fears nothing.

I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I'm innocent!

The innocent is the person who explains nothing

Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.

The killing of innocent people is always wrong.

There are no innocent people in a guilty nation.

I'm innocent. I've done nothing. I'm a nice guy.

Only love with its science makes us so innocent.

One threatens the innocent who spares the guilty.

No cause justifies the deaths of innocent people.

People have died in jail that have been innocent.

There are very few innocent sentences in writing.

The innocent seldom find an uncomfortable pillow.

Power manipulates the innocent and terror is born.

I would like to add I'm innocent. I am not guilty.

Everything that's innocent to us is crazy to them.

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