Innovations never happen as planned.

The world needs more social innovations.

It's during wartime that innovations happen.

I think all great innovations are built on rejections.

If innovations were predictable, they wouldn't be discoveries.

Android was intended to be very customizable. And we welcome innovations.

Richard Childress and myself have made some important innovations on our cars.

Scientific innovations continually provide us with new means of analyzing the finds.

When men are easy in their circumstances, they are naturally enemies to innovations.

The most dynamic cities have always been immersed in the critical innovations of their time.

You should always look for opportunities to test innovations on a subset of users if you can.

When innovations become habits, prescriptions, they must be imagined all over again, made new.

Disruption is a process, not an event, and innovations can only be disruptive relative to something else.

I am, as far as my politics reaches, 'King and Country' - no 'Innovations in Religion and Government' say I.

We need the next generation to be motivated and to push technological boundaries, to seek out new innovations.

Technology in renewable energy has already led to many innovations in business models, products, and solutions.

As the births of living creatures are at first ill-shapen, so are all innovations, which are the births of time.

Bizarrely, a lot of the innovations in free-to-play are coming out of the PC space rather than the mobile space.

As the 19th century progressed, Europe's innovations, norms and categories came to achieve a truly universal hegemony.

In its most limited sense, modern, art would seem to concern itself only with the technical innovations of the period.

Digital innovations have the potential to transform the recruitment industry, and the Adecco Group is taking the lead.

The Internet, like most successful American innovations, have not thrived because of heavy-handed government regulation.

We need to pass measures that protect consumers' private information while also encouraging new technological innovations.

Perhaps sooner than we think, African innovations will help the rest of the world create lasting social and economic value.

Where conservative Catholics have the power to resist what seem like false ideas or disastrous innovations they must do so.

Google's competitors fail to demonstrate that Google's actions stifle competition rather than reflect pro-consumer innovations.

Harnessing steam power required many innovations, as William Rosen chronicles in the book 'The Most Powerful Idea in the World.'

Predicting innovation is something of a self-canceling exercise: the most probable innovations are probably the least innovative.

Since Mashable's inception, some of our most popular articles have focused on the science behind the world's coolest innovations.

Participatory democracies. Open economies. Web-based communication. All American innovations to the great conundrums of the globe.

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.

To me, innovations are the wheel, fire, language, movable type. There are not 3 million innovations; there are 3 million inventions.

Even when early innovations start to succeed, it is not uncommon to see growing businesses sabotaged for threatening the status quo.

Some of the most important discoveries, innovations, and advances in our history have come from those seeking a new life in America.

I don't care whether the technology is invented by our employees. I want to bring everybody's innovations into our ecosystem together.

I do not think that music keeps evolving. It evolved through Bach; since then, in my humble opinion, all the innovations added nothing.

I'm an investor in a number of biotech companies, partly because of my incredible enthusiasm for the great innovations they will bring.

There seems to be no limit to the exciting possibilities that come from combining technical innovations, the Internet, and social media.

There's more energy-saving innovations in lighting. Smartphone and various devices hooked into the home can control the lights and mood.

We should make innovations in coal-mining and metallurgical industries in particular so as to revitalize the overall economy of the country.

Innovations, instantly followed by a demented lust for them, now arrive with dizzying speed, not just daily, but in one-hour delivery slots.

There are three types of innovations that affect jobs and capital: empowering innovations, sustaining innovations and efficiency innovations.

We should explore ways to make us a more amazing species. A more fascinating society. We should embrace our innovations and evolve with them.

We should raise fierce flames of innovations in the vanguard sectors, basic industrial sectors, and all other sectors of the national economy.

Many of the things the slow food people honor were innovations within historical times. Somebody had to be the first European to eat a tomato.

In the U.S.A., technical innovations come out of universities and the research produced by Ph.D. students. We don't have that happening in India.

It is users that are driving the networks with innovations on top of the networks and with innovations in the devices space. This is very healthy.

A lot of technologies in the world were unusual in the beginning, and became standard. That's the beauty of bottom-up entrepreneurship and innovations.

We love serious technology innovations, and there is a strong bias towards large technology innovations that are sort of disruptive to the current market.

Accelerating technology innovations such as ubiquitous sensors, cheap computing power, and 5G networks will open entirely new opportunities and challenges.

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