Innovators are inevitably controversial.

We can support innovators and entrepreneurs.

I have never been an innovator, a creative genius.

Good innovators like to solve business crossword puzzles.

All innovators face challenges and seldom enjoy family support.

Nobody can be at the same time a correct bureaucrat and an innovator

The innovator is not an opponent of the old; he is a proponent of the new.

It turns out that in the federal government, there are a lot of innovators.

The innovator creates a business where they are making money, even when they sleep.

It's important to remember that innovators in business don't always get a platform.

You can absolutely be what you can't see! That's what innovators and disruptors do.

I am not what I would consider truly a musician. I am an inventor. I am an innovator.

We are all innovators, we all like to use our imagination, which is our greatest tool.

Most innovators are successful to the extent to which they define risks and confine them.

Companies, communities and governments have to be innovators, and they cannot do it alone.

I find as much inspiration from the forerunners of jazz as I do the modern-day innovators of jazz.

We are single-mindedly focused on partnering with the best innovators pursuing the biggest markets.

[Wynton] Marsalis does not aspire to be an innovator, no one else is allowed to have new ideas either.

I like to think that Not For Sale is the Juniper Networks of the social section, a disruptive innovator.

It's not like I am working with the great innovators of all time, but at the same time, they are my friends.

I was one of the innovators of the TLC Match; some would arguably say that I am the master of the Ladder Match.

I've participated at summits where I was the only chef. I was surrounded with thinkers and writers and innovators.

Innovators reimagine our world in so many areas. We need them to help reimagine what government can and should be.

The most important innovators often don't need any technologies - just imagination and acute sensitivity to people's needs.

The world needs a better understanding of how to encourage innovation. And innovators need to get better at it. Sign me up.

Rules designed to ensure competition ensure that innovators with new ideas can challenge incumbents on a level playing field.

We need a country that embraces all, and rewards innovators, entrepreneurs, job creators, and hard-working people of all sorts.

Rock stars get room keys, I get business cards. Wherever I go I meet innovators of wind power equipment, solar energy operators.

Our job as leaders is to find those innovators and release their mojo - lean startup-style - to serve the American people better.

What is interesting to me is to find ways to work with early-stage innovators to build from the edge and work on tomorrow's ideas.

My father was a brilliant inventor and businessman. He taught me to appreciate the opportunities that America offers to innovators.

Countless religious innovators over the years have played the game of establishing an identity for themselves by accentuating their otherness.

I thank goodness every day that I played in the no-huddle, and it was Sam Wyche in Cincinnati who's really one of the innovators of the no-huddle.

I am humbled to be selected as a TiE Star recipient and to be included among such an esteemed group of true innovators and intrepid entrepreneurs.

Visionary CEOs are not 'just' great at assuring world-class execution of a tested and successful business model: they are also world-class innovators.

America's small businesses and manufacturers are innovators ready to usher in a new wave of growth and opportunity if given access to foreign markets.

Historically, if you look at people like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, people with disposable incomes have always been agricultural innovators.

One of the banes of successful innovation is that companies may be so committed to innovation that they will give the innovators a lot of money to spend.

Rising inequality is toxic to growth. High levels of inequality exclude people - both as innovators and customers - diminishing both innovation and demand.

When you're surrounded by the world's leading social innovators, it's impossible not to be inspired by the energy and the 'what if' possibilities all around us.

Entrepreneurs and innovators across the country are developing and deploying new data-powered IT tools to help clinicians succeed at delivering better care at lower cost.

Whether it's steamships disrupted by the railroads or railroads disrupted by the airlines, it's typically the large entrenched incumbents that are displaced by innovators.

I am sure innovation will blossom around the world, given that the Internet and mobile platforms enable innovators anywhere in the world to reach a global market with ease.

I'm here to fight for the re-education of what celebrity is: to say, 'Yes, we are celebrities, but yes, we're also innovators. We're also inventors. We're also thoughtful.'

You have to train people how to be business innovators. If you don't train them, the quality of the ideas that you get in an innovation marketplace is not likely to be high.

Without having to ask anyone's permission, innovators everywhere used the Internet's open platform to start companies that have transformed how billions of people live and work.

At President Obama's direction, the U.S Department of Agriculture is working hard to unleash the power of America's innovators and entrepreneurs to build a green energy economy.

In general, I found that the more that debates can be about facts and data, the more likely government is to make sound decisions that benefit innovators and the American people.

There are so many startups out there raising money. I don't think this is a bad thing. It's a good thing. Entrepreneurship is in vogue. Innovators are innovating. Makers are making.

The question for America is pretty simple: either we want a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington telling us what we can't do, or we empower American innovators to unlock things that we can do.

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