I was never good at taking instructions.

The key is within each of us. No instructions come with it.

Good directors give short and specific instructions to their actors.

Once I sign up for a film, I just go by the director's instructions.

With each individual, everybody takes instructions in a different way.

Theater is there to search for questions. It doesn't give you instructions.

The script of a play is not a finished product: It's a set of instructions.

From an early age, I tried to take in all the instructions of all the coaches I had.

Mr. Modi has to take instructions from Nagpur, and whatever Nagpur says, he will do.

By reason of weird translation, many such sets of instructions read like poems anyhow.

If you could see the instructions that I gave Jerry to begin with, I'd be embarrassed.

I wanted to separate data from programs, because data and instructions are very different.

I think it is definitely right to listen to the Party and follow up government's instructions.

Directions are instructions given to explain how. Direction is a vision offered to explain why.

Russian Parliament today is a bunch of puppets that just fall in with the instructions from Kremlin.

Russian subs are a bargain at $60,000. Unfortunately, none of the dials or instructions are in English.

She didn't leave any written instructions. She has verbally expressed her wishes to me and other people.

I've left specific instructions that I do not want to be brought back during a Republican administration.

I am not good at following rules, I am not good at following instructions, I am not good at driving slow.

DNA, like a tape recording, carries a message in which there are specific instructions for a job to be done.

It is the duty of the law-giver to deliver to the many the instructions of whose truth he has persuaded himself.

I've been doing the 'Mexican Made Easy' show, and it's very heavy on instructions. It's me talking to the camera.

It's about discipline. It's about following instructions. It's about the execution of the plan. That's what sport is.

With concerted effort, I can follow written instructions, but don't ask me to simply grasp how to operate a smartphone.

It is my fervent wish and my greatest ambition to leave a work with a few useful instructions for the pianists after me.

Some alternative medicines work when the instructions are followed. But I always recommend seeing a medical professional.

This planet came with a set of instructions, but we seem to have misplaced them. Civilization needs a new operating system.

Passive inactivity, because you have not been given specific instructions to do this or to do that, is a serious deficiency.

The ribosome is a machine that gets instructions from the genetic code and operates chemically in order to produce the product.

I spend a fair amount of time on my computer, but I don't hack into anything. I have to open the manual and follow instructions.

The word of God is a Christian's instructions for life. God speaks to us through His word, so we cannot constantly be running on empty.

The Book of Mormon is our handbook of instructions as we travel the pathway from bad to good to better and strive to have our hearts changed.

The Founding Fathers' instructions were clear: The right to free speech includes bad speech; it means tolerance of ideas that many find obnoxious.

There's no doubt in my mind that whichever commander ordered the blowing up of Kamisiyah did so in following the instructions that he had received.

I am completely a director's actor. If the director gives me the liberty and freedom, then I give my inputs. Otherwise, I just follow instructions.

The Highway Code can't be that difficult to understand, and yet my brain seems to treat it as a set of nuclear fission instructions in Old Japanese.

At one point, Sarah Palin sent her husband instructions to stock up on 'fresh fruit and veggies' for the kids, and 'as little processed foods as possible.'

ReadyMade's first three issues dished out instructions for all sorts of kitschy crafts and odd projects: homemade wallets, Adirondack chairs, even taxidermy.

I've never understood why some people hesitate before diving into unfamiliar tasks or activities. I couldn't imagine wanting more instructions about anything.

When an actor plays a scene exactly the way a director orders, it isn't acting. It's following instructions. Anyone with the physical qualifications can do that.

As bad as we are at remembering names and phone numbers and word-for-word instructions from our colleagues, we have really exceptional visual and spatial memories.

Every big-budget film is powered by a director's vision. I blindly follow the instructions of my director, believe in him, and deliver what he exactly wants from me.

The key in controlling my asthma is pretty simple: I have a good professional diagnosis, and I follow my doctor's instructions closely. You need to acknowledge both.

I will never be able to create a budget from scratch with the amount of time that I have, but my instructions remain the same: Give me a budget that has no new revenue.

Everyone could use instructions on every aspect of cooking: pantry, storage, refrigeration, cooking, what to buy. Everyone that I come into contact with could use help.

The people of Florida's 2nd Congressional District said, 'Steve, go up there and fight to change the culture in Washington.' I've taken their instructions very seriously.

Code is just a list of instructions. There are countries that are teaching it as part of the core curriculum. Having some experience in those early years is very important.

From the initial days of my career I have always given importance to two things. One is to heed to directors instructions and the other is to have faith on my action director.

This is America. Dissenting voices will continue to voice their dissent. Because they've read the operating instructions for the United States of America, and it's their right.

We ended up with 19 hours of footage and had to narrow it down to an hour and a half. Our instructions were to film everything that came up, including the more mundane moments.

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