Integration is a give and take.

New York City has an integration problem.

A full body veil is hindering integration.

I'm not for integration and I'm not against it.

Integration will not bring a man back from the grave.

Economic integration is the path to riches and peace.

America preaches integration and practices segregation.

Brazil must resume and deepen Latin American integration.

Forced integration is just as wrong as forced segregation.

There's so much spirit of integration and democracy in jazz.

The national team is the best example that integration can work.

Who owns the NY Post? 20th Century Fox. Talk about vertical integration.

Marches alone won't bring integration when human respect is disintegratin

Integration begins the day after the minds of the people are desegregated.

Marches alone won't bring integration when human respect is disintegratin'

This is white man's integration, an integration based on exploitative values

Germany is in favor of integration precisely because we don't want dominance.

The highest of generalizations is the synergetic integration of truth and love.

Negroes don't even like snails! What they're doing is proving they're integrated.

We Americans entered a new phase in our history - the era of integration - in 1954.

To say it is not practical, one has to also admit that integration is not practical.

The course of evolution is to a greater integration of similarly functioning ganglia.

Our policy is European and Euro-Atlantic integration. There is no substitute for NATO.

Congruence, integration, responsibility and integrity are the values that I stand for.

What we mean by integration is not to be with them (whites) but to have what they have.

Design is not making beauty, beauty emerges from selection, affinities, integration, love.

One of the prices that we pay for integration was the disintegration of the black community.

The African Development Bank is one of the most aggressive advocates of regional integration.

I used to say, 'We've always had integration in the South... we just want it now in the daytime.

The NAACP was even considering earlier this summer reassessing their position on school integration.

Integration is a word of the past, the word of the future and the word of the present is contribution.

The true Negro does not want integration... He realizes his potential is far better among his own race.

I want to help with Muslim integration. If you follow the line of Marine Le Pen, you create a civil war.

Our business model is primarily that of consulting, engineering, system integration, and managed services.

Customers require the effective integration of technologies to simplify their workflow and boost efficiency.

Integration is the most important asset Europe has, and the key component to European integration is the euro.

The stakeholder approach to business sees integration rather than separation, and sees how things fit together.

What we should be doing in the EU as a whole is more economic integration in the single market, rather than less.

Legally we have integration, social acceptance and diversity... but that doesn't mean... everybody is down with it.

Perhaps our own opposition to even the level of European integration we have now, let alone any more, is well known.

We saw the integration of the female pilots in the Navy, in combat roles, and the resistance there in the beginning.

There can't be real peace without improving the integration of Arab society and making it part of the political game.

The EU must take on new responsibilities. And these new responsibilities call for intensifying the integration process.

My work seen in its totality is a statement about the integration of the contemporary artist into an industrial society.

One of the challenges for sub-Saharan Africa is that markets are of modest size. This makes regional integration important.

I completely agree with Helmut Kohl. I am not an advocate of the "United States of Europe," nor am I an integration fanatic.

Mexico has acquired unique experience during its integration into global value chains, especially in the automotive industry.

I've spent quite a bit of time working on wind turbines and exploring control systems and photovoltaic and integration system.

Africa can and will only advance through African integration, which can be realized through the Federal United States of Africa

Look back, to slavery, to suffrage, to integration and one thing is clear. Fashions in bigotry come and go. The right thing lasts.

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