I can be intolerant.

I think people are intolerant of artists.

Sadly, Isis are extremely intolerant of homosexuality.

I'm very intolerant and I get fed up with people easily.

I'm gluten intolerant, so that automatically cuts carbs from my diet.

I'm intolerant often, especially of incompetence, particularly my own.

The Netherlands has been too tolerant to intolerant people for too long.

Muslims have a very bad attitude to homosexuality, they're very intolerant.

My whole family is lactose intolerant and when we take pictures we can't say cheese.

Tolerance always has limits - it cannot tolerate what is itself actively intolerant.

Our world is a huge mess right now, and not big enough for masses of intolerant people.

I learned that five- and-six-year-old kids have already figured out how to be intolerant.

It would be intolerant if I advocated the banning of religion, but of course I never have.

And political parties, overanxious for vote catching, become tolerant to intolerant groups.

With age you tend to become intolerant and it becomes difficult to give your best in trying circumstances.

I don't think anyone who genuinely embraced sincerity, charity and modesty could be intolerant or divisive.

No shortcomings of other people cause us to be more intolerant than those which are caricatures of our own.

I believe we have been too tolerant of the intolerant. We should learn to become intolerant of the intolerant.

A few small changes in your DNA can turn your eyes blue, make you lactose intolerant or put some curl in your hair.

We should be tolerant to people who are tolerant to us. We should be intolerant to people who are intolerant to us.

Free speech is carelessly tossed to one side in order to silence views and people that liberals label as intolerant.

Londoners say, 'We're so proud of our diversity and tolerance,' but what if that diversity ends up making us intolerant?

America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity - the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.

Non-violent extremism is essentially the increase of intolerant and bigoted demands made by groups seeking to dominate society.

I'm lactose intolerant, so usually pizza makes me feel horrible. But I'll occasionally go very hard and do pizza and pineapple.

Bolshevism was a mind-set, an idiosyncratic culture with an intolerant paranoid wordview obsessed with abstruse Marxist ideology.

It is the people who scream the loudest about America and Freedom who see to be the most intolerant for a differing point of view.

I like things my own way. I like the window open at night, for instance, and I'm too intolerant to adjust to other people's habits.

It is long overdue for parents to realize they have the right and duty to protect our children against the intolerant evolutionists.

The British in South Africa always portrayed themselves as more enlightened and tolerant than the 'narrow-minded', 'intolerant' Boers.

My boyfriend and I live together, which means we don't have sex - ever. Now that the milk is free, we've both become lactose intolerant.

Ultimately, America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.

It's this upside-down world that we live in where we afford political correctness to the most intolerant group of individuals on the planet.

Of all religions, the Christian should of course inspire the most tolerance, but until now Christians have been the most intolerant of all men.

I'm allowed to have my opinions as an American, but it seems the Left becomes very intolerant when you have an opinion other than what they state.

People who do not speak our language very well do complain of feeling rebuffed by French people, who can sometimes be impatient, or even intolerant.

A lot of people on holiday get very intolerant of things that go wrong, but getting wound up about the plane being late won't make it come any sooner.

I learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness.

I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.

If someone is making a judgment when they don't have firsthand experience, it's intolerant. How can you make a judgment on something you don't know about?

The caricature of Islam as a violent and intolerant religion is horrendously incomplete. Remember that those standing up to Muslim fanatics are mostly Muslims.

How hard have those intolerant of John Adams's perspective worked to strip from young people any hope of knowing the concepts and truths that help deal with life?

I actually think Justin Trudeau's approach to label people who have legitimate concerns with his issues as being un-Canadian and intolerant - that is very dangerous.

The great divide is not between faiths, but one between intolerant zealots of any tradition and the large numbers of decent, peaceful believers likewise found in each tradition.

Unfortunately, in the north and the south of Ireland, intolerant habits are part of the fabric of emotion, part of the identity crisis which afflicts the population of the country.

Our culture has become increasingly intolerant of that acute sorrow, that intense mental anguish and deep remorse which may be defined as grief. We want to medicate such sorrow away.

I am lactose intolerant, and I always thought it was really funny how people who are lactose intolerant continue to eat dairy, because they like it so much. And I find it not acceptable.

People in this country don't realize how tyrannical the Left is. It is phenomenally intolerant of any views other than its own, and it must label them as bad, evil, malodorous in some way.

Our pious horror at the intolerant and repressive behaviour of Islamic State is bitterly funny, given that it is really not that different from the policies of our close ally, Saudi Arabia.

My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors.

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