To the rationally minded the mental processes of the intuitive appear ...

To the rationally minded the mental processes of the intuitive appear to work backwards

Color is so intuitive.

It's good to be intuitive.

Disgust is intuitive microbiology

I think I'm a very intuitive actress.

We have an intuitive sense of our duty.

Singing duets is instinctive, intuitive.

Love is the intuitive knowledge of our hearts.

Always let intuitive perception precede analysis.

The days of the 'intuitive' manager are numbered.

I'm very creative, intuitive - I like to entertain.

Touch is one of the most intuitive things in the world.

I don't really plan. I'm almost intuitive about things.

Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.

Your intuitive factor is what picks up other peoples vibration

Music is extremely intuitive, which acting too in a different way.

Perl should remain fast and intuitive (to the extent that it is :-)

Most things come from inside; they're intuitive. That's the way I am.

Most business problems, you will have an intuitive idea on what to do.

The wonderful thing about Apple technology is just how intuitive it is.

Drawing on a computer doesn't make any sense to me. It's not intuitive.

I sometimes feel that we are losing an intuitive sense of our own bodies.

Good technology is intuitive - the cellphone forces you to become an engineer.

Empathy is intuitive, but it is also something you can work on intellectually.

Most intuitive ideas have to be clarified, so there is a trial and error process.

In the West, we've lost our intuitive understanding of how poverty shapes thinking.

I'm not courting labor. I come from a labor background. To me, it's just intuitive.

The whole process of making movies and writing screenplays is visceral and intuitive.

It's a pretty intuitive process, picking the projects that I want to get involved with.

It's within your world that things will unfold and intuitive understandings will open up.

If you tell yourself something over and over again, right or wrong, it becomes intuitive.

It's an intuitive exercise to do a Shakespeare play and to go through a Shakespeare play.

It's kind of an intuitive process. I wish that it were more systematic, but it just isn't.

'Healing,' Papa would tell me, 'is not a science, but the intuitive art of wooing nature.'

OS X is sweet: it's simple and intuitive, and I think GNOME shares a lot of values with it.

The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.

Composing is sort of an intuitive act. You have to put yourself in the right frame of mind.

My work is on the one hand laboured, and on the other completely happenstance and intuitive.

The channels of intuitive knowledge are opened according to the intensity of individual need.

True intuitive expertise is learned from prolonged experience with good feedback on mistakes.

Macs are not intuitive. It's intuitive to the person who created it. It's not intuitive to me.

As Chief Product Officer, I lead our product team to create simple, intuitive user experiences.

Tablets are more intuitive than a PC or laptop. They also have more real estate than a smartphone.

Sometimes people have this notion that improvisation is simply intuitive leaping into the unknown.

The Intuitive one can read where the Master doesn't write and listen where the Master doesn't talk.

Much of Indian science seems intuitive and not bound by the rigid thinking of classical scientists.

I'm quite intuitive about what I pick. Often it's to do with what I've just done and how I'm feeling.

I'm an intuitive musician. I have no real technical skills. I can only play six chords on the guitar.

Escapism makes a lot of intuitive sense - whisk people away from their cares with stories of a better life.

If I try to think objectively about myself and my work, I would say I want to be intuitive and distinctive.

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