Architecture is invention.

Failure is your invention.

Invention breeds invention.

To understand is to invent.

We should have more invention.

A weak invention of the Enemy.

We can invent only with memory.

Nor age so eat up my invention.

God is Man's greatest invention

Basketball is a pure invention.

Necessity, mother of invention.

Money is only a human invention.

Want is the mistress of invention

Conscience is a Jewish invention.

Doubt is the father of invention.

Interest is the invention of Satan.

By nature, men love newfangledness.

Necessity, the mother of invention.

The poet doesn't invent. He listens.

Necessity... the mother of invention.

Invention is the mother of necessity.

Contentment: The smother of invention.

Mothers are the necessity of invention.

History is the invention of historians.

Invention is the mother of necessities.

Do not debate! is one of my inventions.

A bad memory is the mother of invention.

Afternoon classes - that evil invention!

The book is man's best invention so far.

What some people invent the rest enlarge.

Life is composed of different inventions.

Without invention nothing is well-spaced.

Getting caught is the mother of invention.

I'm one of the first invention capitalists.

When you have no money, you need invention.

Women's virtue is man's greatest invention.

Every invention eventually becomes obsolete.

... inventions and purely human institutions.

Invention is totally independent of the will.

God forgives those who invent what they need.

The classy gangster is a Hollywood invention.

Necessity, who is the mother of our invention.

A guilty conscience is the mother of invention.

Necessity is literally the mother of invention.

Dictators never invent their own opportunities.

Religion is a good invention in times of stress.

By and large books are mankind's best invention.

Where we cannot invent, we may at least improve.

Invention is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration

The bicycle is the noblest invention of mankind.

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