Investors don't like uncertainty.

The speculator is not an investor.

The best investor is your customer.

Investors tend to avoid food companies.

Change is the investor's only certainty.

My investors expect me to maximize profits.

Beware angel investors: they can be disruptive.

Investors believe in the best possible outcome.

What investors want is growth, margin, and cash.

I always say investors invest in lines, not dots.

Investors feel very comfortable working in Georgia

We call ourselves 'opportunistic value investors.'

I have no fear about the future for retail investors.

We need the banks to be attractive to investors again.

Once investors come in, it's hardly your company anymore!

The principal role of the mutual fund is to serve its investors.

The quality and quantum of potential investors in Africa is huge.

Providing investors with recourse against governments is valuable.

My whole life has been one theme of self-sacrifice for my investors.

All of us would be better investors if we just made fewer decisions.

Investors like to hear that you're in a multi-billion dollar market.

We upgrade URZ to a Buy; we see an entry opportunity with investors.

I am not criticizing investing in the stock market; I am an investor.

We need to encourage investors to invest in high-technology startups.

Good investors must learn to contextualize the daily background noise.

I must say also, that we are not talking just about foreign investors.

I want to be known as one of the most accurate investors that ever lived.

Every public company depends to some extent on the trust of its investors.

Foreign investors are looking for a consistent and stable policy in India.

Great design alone isn't going to yield the results investors are expecting.

Africa is poor because its investors and its creditors are unspeakably rich.

Being an entrepreneur is hard. Having supportive and caring investors helps.

As an investor I cannot tell that. We cannot predict the success or failure.

There are no safeguards that can protect the emotional investor from himself.

I told all of our original investors that they would lose their money for sure.

Respect public investors and treat them as partners and important constituents.

Our investors are here for only one reason: great returns. They want to make money.

The energy sector presents exceptional opportunities for governments and investors.

An investor calculates what a stock is worth, based on the value of its businesses.

The kind of investors we seek are long term because that's how we make our decisions.

There is a reason companies raise money from investors, which is to invest in growth.

When most investors, including the pros, all agree on something, they're usually wrong.

There is almost no limit to the ability of investors to ignore the lessons of the past.

It was an important and daring decision to open Eletrobras capital to private investors.

Foreign and domestic investors will come only when they know that you have enough power.

What must occur is a greater recognition by investors of their individual responsibility.

I think good private equity investors create a lot more economic value than they destroy.

You will never see as many great women investors or traders as men. Period. End of story.

Even Silicon Valley investors have put well over a $1 billion in new energy technologies.

We must look after our own before lining the pockets of overseas countries and investors.

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