what you fear, you invite.

I loafe and invite my soul.

Fear manifested invites danger.

Well, all cricket invites attention.

Don't invite me if you don't want me.

Do not overeat; that invites disease.

Who timidly requests invites refusal.

Brothers naturally invite comparison.

He who pardons easily invites offense.

Gratitude invites a sense of sufficiency.

Those who easily forgive invite offenses.

He who avoids complaint invites happiness.

To overextend yourself is to invite defeat.

He who asks with timidity invites a refusal.

To seek fulfillment is to invite frustration.

He who forgives readily only invites offense.

He who leaves a fault unpunished invites crime.

To ignore your conscience is to invite trouble.

Success in crime always invites to worse deeds.

I would never invite cameras into my life again.

God invites us today to live a great story with Him.

They drink with impunity, or anybody who invites them.

When opportunity knocks, invite it to stay for dinner.

By bringing nature into our lives, we invite humility.

Darkness comes in waves...tell me, why invite it to stay?

You always want to go to a party where you get an invite.

Find someone who disagrees and invite them to your table.

The body is like a sentence that invites us to rearrange it

We all invite our own devils, and we must exorcise our own.

The only way to quieten me is to invite me to a tennis match.

Repentance is a change of behavior which invites forgiveness.

Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are.

Temptation is not a sin but playing with temptation invites sin.

Invite your friend to dinner; have nothing to do with your enemy.

When thoughts come, you can invite them in but don't serve them tea.

extreme happiness invites religion almost as much as extreme misery.

He attacked us. What was I supposed to do? Invite him to dinner? (Sin)

You know, anyone who invites me to do something makes me feel special.

If you want to have a great party at Wembley, don't invite the Germans.

Eloquence invites us to bring some part of ourselves to the transaction.

My banks they are furnish'd with bees, Whose murmur invites one to sleep.

Anything you build on a large scale or with intense passion invites chaos.

I'm different, and my manner invites questions. I'm never afraid to answer.

A story is open-ended. A story invites you into it to make your own meaning.

Claire, did I invite you to my BBQ?" "No." "Then why are you up in my grill?

We must invite the Cross to do its deadly work within before we can be free.

Invite the reader to participate by deciphering. Chaos can attract and engage.

Most of my colleagues have research awards on the shelf. I have party invites.

To try is to invite uncertainty. Where confidence goes, success usually follows.

I love if someone invites me to a restaurant, so I don't know if that's a feminist.

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