I'm dating my iPhone.

iphone therefore I am.

I can't live without my iPhone.

I ain't going to buy no iPhone.

I cannot live without my iPhone.

Android is ahead of the iPhone now.

I want to make the iPhone of movies.

My iPhone has always been my sketchbook.

Apple might not love me, but I love Apple.

I have, like, 1,000 voice memos on my iPhone.

For me, the iPhone is harder than reading Faust.

I love the iPhone - I'm a huge Mac and Apple fan.

I think I have over 60 apps on my iPhone. I use six.

You know, an iPhone is fashion everything is fashion.

God love the iPhone. Best time waster of the century.

I have two iPhones, one for day and one for the night.

This is not a great phone. It's an interesting design.

Rockets are bad technology. iPhones are good technology

On my iPhone 3GS, I use 'Instagram', 'Twitter' and 'Touch'.

I agree 100% with the courts.We should open it [iPhone] up.

When you die, no one's going to remember what iPhone you had.

But iPods and iPhones are two things we don't get for our kids.

I'm addicted to my iPhone and get a game for it every few days.

I write poetry on my iPhone. I've got about 100 poems on there.

There's no more silicon in Silicon Valley. It's all iPhone apps.

I love my iPhone; it's great to have a camera around all the time.

I'm gonna dress up as an iPhone so my husband pays attention to me.

My favorite thing that I can do with my iPhone is dictate a letter.

Being closed to outsiders made the iPhone reliable and predictable.

The iPhone is so easy to use and navigate - I'd be lost without it.

Today, we are pleased to announce the biggest advancement in iPhone.

To the people who've got iPhones: you just bought one, you didn't invent it!

I am an Apple guy. I got the iPhone 4 the day it came out. I have a MacBook.

I went drinking with Gray Powell and all I got was a lousy iPhone prototype.

My little sister, who is four, can work my mom's iPhone better than she can.

There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.

People who type with their iPhones on loud are barbarians and probably killers.

Try putting your iPhones down every once in a while and look at people's faces.

On social media, I can hide behind the computer or the iPhone. Internet courage.

I had an iPhone and a Droid and both of them were miserable pieces of equipment.

I can't wait for the iPhone 6. It's my only ambition in life to have it quickly.

The Internet Was Designed For The PC. The Internet Is Not Designed For The iPhone

The iPhone in conjunction with the Filmic Pro app - the resolution is HD quality.

Obviously anything that accessorizes or enhances the iPhone is always pretty cool.

I would never slam my iPhone, and I never punched a metal door frame for any time.

Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything.

I think my new iPhone 5S is broken. I pressed the home button and I'm still at work

I'm not convinced that stealing an iPhone is a felony or stealing a bike is a felony.

I don't have an iPhone or anything. There's no TV. It's so easy to become distracted.

Apple has long been a leading innovator of mobile technology; I myself own an iPhone.

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