Black Lightning, Jefferson Pierce, is the American dream.

Washington, not Jefferson, freed his slaves upon his death.

Al Jefferson. One-on-one on the post, man, can't guard him.

In America, Jefferson noted with approval, women knew their place.

Not everyone has the survival skills of William Jefferson Clinton.

I think Thomas Jefferson would have said the more speech, the better.

I think people understand I'm not actually the real Thomas Jefferson.

In Jefferson's mind democracy was tantamount to extreme individualism.

I love heavy metal, Metallica. I'm into Jefferson Starship and acid rock.

The fact that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves doesn't devalue what he wrote.

We are not living up to Thomas Jefferson's idea of what a trial by jury means.

People have completely lost confidence in our public officials in Jefferson City.

Washington and Jefferson were both rich Virginia planters, but they were never friends.

Jesus and Lincoln, Moses and Jefferson can seem so long gone, so unbelievable, so dead.

Jefferson owned slaves. He did not believe that all were created equal. He was a racist.

Democracy as a system has evolved into something that Thomas Jefferson didn't anticipate.

What I saw in Black Lightning, Jefferson Pierce, even the villains, are aspects of myself.

If Thomas Jefferson had heard us, he probably would have said, 'We shouldn't have free speech.'

The age of Lincoln and Jefferson memorials is over. It will be presidential libraries from now on.

To me, Jefferson Pierce represented every side of me. I knew that I would be able to flesh him out.

My grandfather was a lot like a white Jewish George Jefferson, and he did not enjoy my work very much.

Jefferson Pierce is the epitome of what black men are: He loves his wife, his children, and the community.

If Thomas Jefferson thought taxation without representation was bad, he should see how it is with representation.

I've always envied Thomas Jefferson's bed at Monticello. It's in a tiny alcove, bound by walls at the head and foot.

I would like Americans to make things with their hands. Thomas Jefferson and I feel that makes for a much stronger nation.

On the coming of that tremendous storm which for eight years desolated our country, Mr. Jefferson hesitated not, halted not.

Madame Walker was mythologized like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, but I want to show that she was fabulous on her own.

I said I would be part of the solution in Jefferson City, not part of the problem. And I said I'd take on the culture of corruption.

If the only thing that was interesting about Jefferson Pierce is that he is African-American, I don't think we'd have much of a show.

Men of Virginia, countrymen of Washington, of Patrick Henry, of Jefferson, and of Madison, will ye be true to your constitutional faith?

Who would think it possible to redirect historical scholarship by explaining what Thomas Jefferson said in the Declaration of Independence?

We know Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin as politicians, but they felt that science was something everyone should have a knowledge of.

Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt faced adversities that, in their times, seemed impregnable. Great presidents overcome great odds.

We Americans think, in every country in transition, there's a Thomas Jefferson hiding behind some rock or a James Madison beyond one sand dune.

It is to such men as Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson and Jackson and Franklin, all most lowly born, that we owe most of our greatness as a nation.

Thomas Jefferson once said, 'We should never judge a president by his age, only by his works.' And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying.

Home cooks are finding inspiration in the past, digging up centuries-old recipes more familiar to the likes of Thomas Jefferson than Thomas Keller.

I have a fascination for well-produced '70s and '80s rock with a lot of harmonies. AOR bands like Journey, Jefferson Starship, Toto, Kansas, Boston.

I like Thomas Jefferson, though he intimidated me. I thought he would have been very tough to be around. I don't know if he had such a sense of humor.

Maybe the Jefferson case will give members of Congress second thoughts the next time they get ready to legislate away the rights of ordinary Americans.

Historically, if you look at people like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, people with disposable incomes have always been agricultural innovators.

Laureate is a highly leveraged failing investment whose principal beneficiaries are Wall Street fat cats and billionaires - and William Jefferson Clinton.

The Declaration of Independence I always considered as a theatrical show. Jefferson ran away with all the stage effect of that... and all the glory of it.

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson hated each other so much. But that hate that they had for each other did not come before the love of their country.

Of course, Mississippi participates in federal matching programs for everything from preserving the post-Civil War home of Jefferson Davis to beaver control.

If you read our Founding Fathers, people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson - what we're doing now in this country is making them roll over in their graves.

Don't use your advance to buy an antique sports car, diamonds by the yard, or a bottle of wine from Thomas Jefferson's cellar instead of investing in your book.

We've become slaves to words like 'local,' 'fresh,' and 'seasonal.' We all want to be Thomas Jefferson's agrarian hero, but sustainable food is a difficult beast.

How I longed to see these things; how I longed to see the Liberty Bell and walk on the streets where Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine and Benjamin Franklin had walked.

In seeking an empire of liberty, Jefferson wished not only to expand the country's territorial holdings, but also to extend American institutions around the globe.

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