Us Jews are nomadic people.

Israelis are the total Jews.

We will never harm the Jews.

The Women's March hates Jews!

Jews rule the world by proxy.

Art thou the King of the Jews?

The Jews are always up for a laugh.

In terms of defending Jews, I'm a Jew.

I'm glad many Jews attend Knick games.

A lot of Jews are great friends of mine.

Jews have a tendency to become comedians.

Anti-Semitism is the rumour about the Jews.

Well, who better to play Nazis than we Jews?

The Jews are the enemy of National Socialism.

Some ticket buyers think they don't like Jews.

I've been working with Jews for over 20 years.

Sephardic Jews were always known as good cooks.

German Jews don't show their emotions in public.

My goal is that Jews feel safe in their country.

The Schindler Jews were off-limits in Brunnlitz.

Reformed Jews don't have to quite believe in God.

The tension between Jews and Arabs tears us apart.

I think Jews are the smartest people in the world.

The Bible is the great family chronicle of the Jews.

Only one and half million Jews died in the Holocaust.

I come from generations of progressive, atheist Jews.

Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?

You find Jews, Irish, and Italians in every orchestra.

Are there a lot of Jews in Hollywood? Yeah, there are.

God's love doesn't leave out Jews or Muslims or anyone.

Why don't Jews drink? It interferes with their suffering.

Jews had an outsider's eye on a lot of Western tradition.

I don't think anyone has been slandered more than the Jews.

Jews, when they get successful, they will help their people.

Jews are underdogs - not in my world, obviously, they're not.

The Jews have opened fire, and they are unready to begin a war.

The State of Israel failed in absorbing the Jews from Ethiopia.

I admit I think it is immoral for Jews to live in the Diaspora.

The Jews who have arrived would nearly all like to remain here.

For me, Jews and football go together like a horse and carriage.

I guess on all Silver Jews records, it's extremely male-centric.

Well, I play Jews and parrots. Parrots are how I've branched out.

Silver Jews was always a coolection of old friends. Uncoolection.

I'm accusing Republicans of thinking the Jews have so much power.

Today the eyes of orthodox Jews of earth are fixed upon Palestine.

Islam has shown two faces to the Jews, one benevolent, one less so.

When Jews are sacrificed, you have to ask yourself who will be next.

In this part of the world, Jews and Arabs will live together forever.

The Jews are not merely hook-nosed but understand money instinctively.

Moses freed the Jews. Lincoln freed the slaves. I freed the neurotics.

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