I don't even know who Joey Barton is.

I always said the world is a better place because of Joey Ramone.

If you were a kangaroo you'd forget you've got a joey in your pouch.

If there was one constant in my ever-changing life, it is Joey McIntyre.

Dennis to friend: No use crying, Joey. There aren't any grownups around.

But my brother Joey was there, and my sister Tina Nina Minnelli was there.

Joey, my older brother, had his own TV show in the '50s, along with Cathy Callahan.

I don't think Joey Harrington is good enough to be a starting quarterback in the NFL.

From that first meeting, I totally loved working with Joey, it was a real collaboration.

Joey Porter is not one of the people I have respect for. His unprofessionalism is ridiculous.

Are there a million people out there who would love a Joey Cook album? I think there probably are.

When Matt LeBlanc had his show 'Joey', I strongly suggested to the producers that they should bring me on.

I was never blinded by the American dream. I have my own dreams. You know what I'm saying? The Joey dream.

I liked playing drums in the band, but the truth is, I always knew they were going to call Joey to play drums.

I'm a big fan of Katt Williams, Jim Gaffigan, Louie CK, Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin, Rich Vas, Joey Vega and Matt Claybrooks.

I think that my favourite animal is a baby possum, or a joey. The face of a really little joey is so divine - so, so gorgeous.

I was in 'Christmas with the Crawfords' with Joey Arias. I did that for six years, so I have a holiday show mentality a little bit.

Most frontmen are not born hams like David Lee Roth. We're more like Joey Ramone: awkward geeks who somehow find our place in the world on the stage.

The Ramones went through a couple different line-up changes, and Johnny and Joey held through the whole thing. So right now I'm the only one hanging in there.

I'm very lucky to be on 'Melissa and Joey' because it's a multi-cam sitcom, and it was a nice transition from theatre because it's taped in front of a live audience.

People call me Joey all the time. I take it as a compliment. There's no point in correcting them. But I'm much more even-keeled and subdued and relaxed than Joey Tribbiani.

I have enormous respect for Steve Johnson, and as I've told him, Feed was one of the inspirations for Salon. They were up there before we were. And also for Joey and the Suck people.

My father used to have an expression. He'd say, 'Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It's about your place in your community.'

After three failed marriages, I know what it's like to be replaced. So that's kind of how Joey Harrington must feel today... A former No. 1 choice looks to me like he's going to be a bust in Detroit.

I remember hating New Kids on the Block from the sidelines because all of the girls loved them. They would just fawn over them. 'Oh my gosh, Joey I love you!' When I was younger, I really couldn't stand them.

When I was hanging out with Joey Clements in Chicago, I made it a point not to try to emulate him. I wanted basically to create my own character. I didn't want him to think I was hanging out with him solely to use him as research.

The Ramones were not about having a good time. The closest thing probably was maybe Joey and Dee Dee might have had some good times, but it was almost like a work ethic. We were out there to basically to get the fans to see the Ramones.

I'm a dedicated father - a hopeless, dedicated father. I mean, I am dork dad. I am just - I love my children. I have kids - you know, Joey's 30-something, and then I have all the way down to 4 years old, believe it or not. At my age, five kids.

You know, my Grandpop Finnegan used to have an expression: he used to say, 'Joey, the guy in Olyphant's out of work, it's an economic slowdown. When your brother-in-law's out of work, it's a recession. When you're out of work, it's a depression.'

My son's full real name is Duncan Zowie Haywood. As a toddler, he was called by his second name Zowie. But it was such an identifiable name during the Seventies that if I called him loudly in public places, everyone would turn to stare, so I started calling him Joey to take the pressure off.

I was doing one of my first plays at the Royal Court, and Matt LeBlanc came to see the play. He came backstage afterwards, and I couldn't speak. I kept trying to, but no words came out. I just kept thinking, 'That's Joey from 'Friends.' That's actual Joey from 'Friends!'' It was so embarrassing!

I love working in television, and I've been thrilled to be a part of so many wonderful shows. I worked with Lady Gaga on 'Gossip Girl,' and the brilliant Felicity Huffman on 'Desperate Housewives,' but I think my favorite TV job so far was the pilot I shot for the CW Network this year called 'Joey Dakota.'

I did, of course, eventually find my way into television, taking all kinds of jobs, climbing the ranks rung by rung. Anyway, it was several years later, when I was working nationally in Hollywood as the announcer and second banana on ABC-TV's late-night entry, 'The Joey Bishop Show,' that I had my big moment.

I was asked to be on 'The Colbert Report' last year as Big Bird and Oscar. But when we got there, we discovered they wanted both characters on at the same time. Stephen Colbert didn't know one man plays them both. We called Joey Mazzarino, our head writer, who's a very good puppeteer as well. He agreed to zip over and do Oscar.

In my case, I was placing extreme pressure on my lower spine from rotating my hips too much. This is a common cause of bad backs - and bad shots - for golfers of all levels. In addition to resting, I worked with my trainer, Joey Diovisalvi, on strengthening the weaker lower-body muscles that contributed to my overactive hips and back pain.

Everybody who is anyone wanted to meet a real life gangster, and here's Joey Gallo hitting the scene. What more could you want with a gangster? He looked the part. They call it gangster chic. He dressed like the 'Reservoir Dogs' - black suit, white shirt, skinny black tie. You know, he had the whole look down. And the big shades, of course.

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