At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at ...

At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.

Don't wait for the last judgment - it takes place every day.

Don't wait for the last judgment - it takes place every day.

Wisdom is only found in truth.

Replace judgment with curiosity.

Every day is judgment day-use it.

History passes the final judgment

Wise judges are we of each other!

History passes the final judgment.

A lapse in judgment is not a crime.

World history is a court of judgment.

I'm starting to mistrust my judgment.

Wit and judgment often are at strife.

Adversity deprives us of our judgment.

O mortal men, be wary of how ye judge.

Many receive advice, few profit by it.

College is a refuge from hasty judgment.

Poetry is to hold judgment on your soul.

Judgment is forced upon us by experience

I'm in the business of value judgments .

Wit is the refractory pupil of judgment.

Time is the only critic without ambition.

Trust your instincts, trust your judgment.

Statistics are no substitute for judgment.

Don't let your opinion sway your judgment.

You ever try to go a day without judgment?

I'm not in the judgment part of journalism.

The books are balanced in heaven, not here.

To love without criticism is to be betrayed.

Knowledge, to become Wisdom, needs Judgment.

The world's history is the world's judgment.

Conscience without judgment is superstition.

Evening dinner dates can cloud your judgment.

Sound judgment is the ground of writing well.

The world is full of pots jeering at kettles.

Justice and judgment lie often a world apart.

I love nature but against my better judgment.

Make your judgment trustworthy by trusting it

All general judgments are loose and imperfect

Experts often possess more data than judgment.

Our senses don't deceive us: our judgment does

I stand for judgment: answer: shall I have it?

No Judgment = No Expectations: That's my motto.

It is when judgment ceases that healing occurs.

Translate all self-judgments into self-empathy.

The greatest sin is judgment without knowledge.

Both faith and cynicism make judgment too easy.

At the day of judgment we shall all meet again.

Of all the passions, fear weakens judgment most.

Enthusiasm for a cause sometimes warps judgment.

And how his audit stands who knows, save Heaven?

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