I just kind of want to be me.

I'm just kind of a regular guy.

I just kind of fell into acting.

My career is just kind of crazy.

I'm just kind of laidback and reserved.

Being an actor is just kind of embarrassing.

We're just kind of dark as humans, generally.

Everyone in our family just kind of leans on my mum.

I just kind of hang out, watch movies and play golf.

I've always just kind of been a single-minded person.

Being from South Louisiana, we're just kind of rootsy.

My life is spontaneous and things just kind of happen.

People just kind of associate me with kicking some ass.

I don't really prepare for roles. I just kind of do them!

It's fun for me to play people that are just kind of odd.

I'm just kind of trying to make the best stuff I can make.

I've always been just kind of consumed by my own thoughts.

I'm just kind of in love with Kathy Bates. And Sarah Paulson.

Actually, I don't hate cats, I'm just kind of afraid of them.

Nothing I ever did I expected to do. It just kind of happened.

Music is just kind of an expression of who I am. It's what I do.

If someone says anything mean to me I just kind of brush it off.

I used to not watch what I ate. I would just kind of eat whatever.

No one ever built the filibuster rule. It just kind of was created.

I just kind of lived my life naturally and did what I wanted to do.

In L.A., you just kind of come and have a nice hiking-yoga-gym life.

I don't go around making conversation, I just kind of stick to myself.

I just kind of go by the theory of, 'Don't knock it until you try it.'

I'm not super easy to talk to a lot of the time. I'm just kind of weird.

I never really planned on making action films. It just kind of happened.

I grew up all over the South. My dad just kind of followed construction.

I do get recognized a lot in public. And that's just kind of weird to me.

I think the people get that I'm just kind of an anomaly in a certain way.

I'm just kind of a hard-nosed, don't say a lot and go to work kind of guy.

I didn't really intend on having a music career. It just kind of happened.

Sometimes when your coach draws something up, you just kind of go with it.

I'm just kind of taking what I get and making the best out of it, honestly.

My parents are very even-keeled. You know, just kind of steady as she goes.

I'm always working with amazing people. They're just kind of put in my path.

As you get going in the game you just kind of go along and you play the game.

As we play, I just kind of make the best decision and try to move the chains.

Some people go to acting classes to learn. I just kind of went for the dates.

I was always just kind of obsessed with guitar, even before I started playing.

I'm just kind of a music junkie. Whatever I'm doing at the moment is my favorite.

Love songs just kind of come out very naturally, me being a very romantic person.

When I signed with the Rockets, I just kind of felt like that was my calling card.

I feel like I'm just trying to pave my own lane and just kind of make my own sound.

I just kind of try to go out and focus on what I've got to do to get myself better.

It's just kind of known in the music industry that a farewell tour means 'for now.'

Honestly, I just kind of play ball. I guess I'm pretty good in the state of Florida.

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