Tree killing is arborcide.

Killing makes me feel good.

Killing rips the soul apart.

Killing time takes practice.

Killing is the payoff of war.

The time I kill is killing me.

My books are about killing God.

Killing time is not an easy job.

Does killing time damage eternity?

I believe in a non-killing future.

Science leads you to killing people.

Boxing is not for killing each other.

I'm killing time and it's dying hard.

Death is nature's way of killing you.

Even the young are killing each other.

Killing the dog does not cure the bite.

My loneliness ain't killing me no more.

Referees and linesmen are killing teams.

You just can't go around killing people!

The killing of innocent people is a sin.

Be killing sin or it will be killing you.

Sports is like a war without the killing.

Every time we look, they're killing Jews.

Whom man kills, him God restoreth to life.

Killing time is not murder, it is suicide.

Advise persons never to engage in killing.

Murder is only killing in the wrong place.

Taxes are the killing fields of Democrats.

If the truth shall kill them, let them die.

When the buying stops, the killing can too.

What are you doing sister? / Killing swine.

Killing is easy," said Mo, "Dying is harder.

I am too busy thinking about killing myself.

Killing ain't fair, but somebody gotta do it.

There will be killing till the score is paid.

Killing time is the chief end of our society.

I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all.

He's not a killer. He just wins... Thoroughly

Texas is killing people in the 73rd trimester.

I'm having a difficult time killing my parents

Killing is not so easy as the innocent believe.

One does not learn how to die by killing others.

It's bad enough wasting time without killing it.

Historic justice has been done by killing Saddam.

Work is the best method devised for killing time.

Learning to live again without you is killing me.

One sin seldom mentioned is that of killing time.

Killing terrorists is cheaper than capturing them.

Reality is in the business of killing off fiction.

Some days, a killing spree seems like a good idea.

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