How sad would be November if we had no knowledge of the spring!

Always, through my whole life, I've had a thirst for knowledge.

There is a profound difference between information and meaning.

The one self- knowledge worth having is to know one's own mind.

Truly, only those who see illness as illness can avoid illness.

It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn.

Our books approach very slowly the things we most wish to know.

Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination.

One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.

The bulk of the world's knowledge is an imaginary construction.

Eliminate numerical quotas, including Management by Objectives.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

We just do not see how very specialized the use of "I know" is.

Knowledge of means without knowledge of ends is animal training.

Those who are right do not argue. Those who argue are not right.

One of the ways to learn is to know when you're making failures.

The Man That Knowz Something Knowz That He Knowz Nothing At All.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.

Great teachers emanate out of knowledge, passion and compassion.

I'm obsessed with Elliott Smith, which is very common knowledge.

The ultimate ground of faith and knowledge is confidence in God.

Oh, be wise, Thou! Instructed that true knowledge leads to love.

Knowledge by suffering entereth, And life is perfected by death.

Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.

It is well for the heart to be naive and for the mind not to be.

It is not ignorance but knowledge which is the mother of wonder.

To the best of my knowledge, none of the Beatles can read music.

Information is the mortar that both builds and destroys empires.

A very great deal more truth can become known than can be proven.

The way of heaven can be known and experienced through the heart.

I am always of the opinion with the learned, if they speak first.

Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.

'Facts' are the bounds of human knowledge, set for it, not by it.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. People have a lot of knowledge.

More appealing than knowledge itself is the feeling of knowledge.

A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.

I urge you to be challenged and inspired by what you do not know.

The mind is like a sponge, soaking up endless drops of knowledge.

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.

Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.

It is not enough to know what is good: you must be able to do it.

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Nature has given us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself.

Proof is an idol before which the mathematician tortures himself.

Life is a travelling to the edge of knowledge, then a leap taken.

The first step in a person's salvation is knowledge of their sin.

The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.

Packed in my skin from head to toe is one I know and do not know.

The society based on production is only productive, not creative.

Some drink deeply from the river of knowledge. Others only gargle.

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