Enough to know no knowing.

Details are all there are.

Know what you do not know.

Knowledge is true opinion.

I do not believe...I know.

One cannot know everything.

I think, therefore I laugh.

Men learn while they teach.

Doubt grows with knowledge.

Knowledge is the real power.

Knowledge is never too dear.

Not if I know myself at all.

Sticking to it is the genius.

We bless and curse ourselves.

Sapere aude. Dare to be wise.

Information is not knowledge.

Pain is the root of knowledge.

Knowledge is a mimic creation.

We won't know for a few years.

Scholarship is polite argument.

I know you even under the skin.

Science is organized knowledge.

Knowledge is our ultimate good.

Knowledge is the only elegance.

Know what you are talking about.

Logic is the anatomy of thought.

Be that self which one truly is.

I know everything except myself.

Knowledge is the antidote to fear

Knowledge was meant to be shared.

Know the enemy and know yourself.

Fear is where the information is.

No one can take it away from you.

All things are known to the soul.

Information is bad for knowledge.

Know or listen to those who know.

Zeal will do more than knowledge.

Knowledge is only potential power.

What is known for certain is dull.

Nothing is so irrevocable as mind.

Knowledge is the life of the mind.

... I distrust manifest knowledge.

Knowledge shrinks as wisdom grows.

Knowledge is the death of research.

Wonder is the desire for knowledge.

Research is creating new knowledge.

All men by nature desire knowledge.

Knowledge is power as well as fame.

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.

There is nothing higher than reason.

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