I've never conformed to what my record label has said and, yes, that has meant that it's been a long journey for me.

Even though my label is that of a beauty queen, I'm not going to limit myself to that, just because that's my title.

Free speech is carelessly tossed to one side in order to silence views and people that liberals label as intolerant.

I'm not with a label, so I haven't ever felt pressure to be a certain way. I've got a cool team who just love music.

The reason I never wanted to sign with a big label was because I didn't want no one telling me how to make my music.

I want to create music that moves me, not just music that is going to get me famous or make someone at a label happy.

You know, independent films have been institutionalized, practically. Every studio has got a boutique arthouse label.

Everyone in the world, regardless if they're Muslim or not, does not have to adhere to the label society slaps on you.

You can be more creative when you're not feeling like a slave. When you're on a record label, they have you like that.

I'd probably do something that involved music, a booking agent or working at a label, if not being an actual musician.

I just want it to be normal for every fashion label to have all sizes. Completely inclusive - that's how it should be.

I don't necessarily think that installation is the only way to go. It's just a label for certain kinds of arrangements.

When I was 13, I was saying that I wanted to be signed to a label. I was begging my dad to get me signed with somebody.

There will be a moment in life, whether you're forceful or not, where someone will label you something that is negative.

When we label anyone 'bad', we will have more trouble dealing with him than if we could have settled for a lesser label.

Going for the Rhodes, it really put a label on me that was hard to shake, and frankly I don't think that I did shake it.

I want to keep the whole 'Lace Up' movement going. I want to take it national and international with a machine, a label.

I don't think the label makes the artist or the artist makes the label. It's the music that makes everything work or not.

It's important for women to have each other's backs. I'd like my label to give women the resources they need to flourish.

You don't even know are we going to have a career? Are we going to be able to sell records? Are we going to have a label?

It's really tough - if you're on a major label and they want you to have a number one song, you need to do what they say.

The will to label will always prevail over what's being labeled, usually at the expense of either truth or understanding.

I certainly don't like a label that suggests I believe that the military is the solution to most of the world's problems.

I think growing up, people want to put you in a box and label you quite often, just because it's kind of easier, I guess.

If you're on an indie label, you're not getting enough money. And if you're on a major, you're not getting enough support.

I wanted to play in bands and get signed by a record label and tour the world and stuff, but that never really worked out.

My wish is for gay to become less of a label, and more of just one of many great colors in the collective box of humanity.

Doing stuff on my own terms and making a record without being signed to a label - I credit that all to my commercial work.

Obviously, for Geffen, if it wasn't for us, it's quite possible that bands like Nirvana or Beck would not be on the label.

People label themselves husbands, wives, moms, sisters, and friends before they label themselves Democrats or Republicans.

There are old-money Asians that would never be caught dead with a Chanel handbag or sporting anything that has a label it.

I give credit to my team. I have dedicated people from my label, my fans, and people at these companies that believe in me.

I don't want the 'supersub' label or anything like that. I just want to come on and express myself and play the best I can.

The best advice is to avoid foods with health claims on the label, or better yet avoid foods with labels in the first place.

Because we are Nashville-based and predominately a country label, people obviously think of us in that way, and that's fine.

Everybody has always put this on me, this label, that I'm not a very good defensive catcher. To me, I don't see it that way.

I've got a great team around me with my family, manager and label, and we've all worked hard together to make things happen.

It is great to have your own label; you can cultivate your own artists... I've worked with pretty much everyone I wanted to.

I don't label myself a feminist. I love men, but I am all about promoting a better, healthier relationship between the sexes.

I think what people get confused about is that they want to label me as this EDM girl, but a lot of this stuff is genre-less.

If you think back to the beginning of the label, we knew we had to strike quickly and aggressively and go for the brass ring.

We were all friends who formed a band. We weren't auditioned or put together by a record label, management company or TV show.

I was actually really stunned that my label suggested 'Door' as the single to lead with, as it's such a long and winding song.

I've started my own record label - Jeepney Music - and I want to put out my own stuff and also stuff by other Filipino artists.

Back in the day, if someone at the record label didn't care or like your music, it never got to the public. It just got shelved.

It would feel like a smack in the face to sign with any label outside of Dre's. He took a risk on me, and that means everything.

I wanted it to be like Amy Grant, but it didn't pan out that way. My label actually went bankrupt, and I was left without a home.

I'd done recordings, little demos, since I was in college, which I used to get gigs. But I never thought I'd have a record label.

You wait all your life to be signed by a major label, and then when they sign you, they don't want you to do what you want to do.

I am not a label snob and have learned that the thrill of shopping can be just as great, if not more so, when you find a bargain.

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