Labor is no disgrace.

No labor is hopeless.

He who labours, prays.

I am not a labor hater.

All true work is sacred.

Labor is God's education.

Labor gives birth to ideas.

Labor, you know, is prayer.

Labor: a powerful medicine.

Luck whines; labor whistles.

Labor is really going to hurt.

Labor is the law of happiness.

Labor in loneliness is irksome.

Without labor nothing prospers.

Labor is life; thought is light.

A labor of love always pays off.

Lingering labors come to naught.

Labor Day means grilling outside!

Fiction is always really a labor.

Ah, why should life all labor be?

Honest labor bears a lovely face.

Labor is the handmaid of religion.

He who loves his work never labors.

All wealth is the product of labor.

Work, work, work, is the main thing.

Exercise is labor without weariness.

Labor is the true standard of value.

Dare to be honest and fear no labor.

The end of labor is to gain leisure.

The labor movement must be destroyed.

This is a business of love and labor.

The biggest labor problem is tomorrow.

Labour is the purgatory of the erring.

Free trade should not mean free labor.

It’s better to wear out than rust out.

Those who think govern those who labor.

Labour is the source of every blessing.

Congenial labor is essence of happiness.

A working class hero is something to be.

Next to faith in God, is faith in labor.

Its better to wear out than to rust out.

The insupportable labor of doing nothing.

Nothing is denied to well-directed labor.

The time for your labor has been granted.

The true artist can only labor con amore.

Pleasure is labour too, and tires as much.

The insignificant labor, the great create.

Imagination labors best in distant fields.

The hope of reward is the solace of labor.

Luck relies on chance, labor on character.

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