I don't like the word 'ladylike.'

Whatever your fight, don't be ladylike.

It's not necessary to tell all you know.

I would describe my look as 'ladylike rock chick.'

I think jazz guitar isn't very ladylike in general. Not that it shouldn't be.

I try hard to look hip but ladylike; current, but not like I'm trying to be 16.

My clothes are an extension of my personality. I'd look awful in ladylike dresses.

My private life is a lot more ladylike and less sultry than the fashion photos I imagine.

And then also I think it's harder for women because comedy is so opposite of being ladylike.

I do think anger is so difficult for women. Girls think it undermines their femininity; it's not very ladylike.

I had no interest in people telling me to be feminine, to be ladylike, to wear dresses - it just made me rebel completely.

My style is definitely not ladylike - frills and bows kinda scare me - but I like the military look because I love that olive green khaki color.

I have classic and feminine taste. I'm definitely drawn to vintage-inspired and ladylike things. I like an accentuated waist, and a strong shoulder works well with my figure.

People should be allowed to roll out of bed and go to an interview; people shouldn't be telling you, 'You can't curse because it's not ladylike.' I don't believe in those standards.

My musical taste and image is going to change naturally. It's not forced; I do what comes natural to me. Sometimes, I like to be dark... other times, I like to be really light and ladylike.

You can see that ladylike kind of dressing with a twist coming back at Dior, and I think that a lot of the fashion is following in those kinds of footsteps. It's wearable. It sits in your wardrobe forever.

I've constantly tried new things, even as a child, and have always been obsessed with pink. Now I'm just a little more ladylike and fearless. You should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. It's exhilarating.

The wholesome is definitely intentional and drilled into me. I mean, we weren't allowed to pierce our ears growing up. We didn't wear makeup. We couldn't have layers in our hair, perms, or color, or manicures. My dad didn't think it was ladylike. My dad just felt like his daughters should be wholesome.

I wish I were shyly, quietly intriguing, like Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, like someone French and fashionable who knows how to twirl her ladylike locks just so and walk adroitly on kitten heels, who is all gesture and whisper - but I am unfortunately forward and forthright: When I am interested in a man, he absolutely knows it.

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