I'm just a Bolshevik with a laptop.

I had a laptop when they weighed 10 pounds.

I carry my iPad and laptop with me everywhere.

I write on a computer, on a laptop or whatever.

I write with a pen and paper. Never on a laptop.

I'm a great fan of taking my laptop out and about.

Characters are not created on paper or laptop alone.

I can write absolutely anywhere. All I need is a laptop.

The laptop brings back a more seamless kind of learning.

It's expensive being in a band, way cheaper buying a laptop.

If I could get Office on a tablet, I'd throw my laptop away.

I can report from the field with a tiny camera and a laptop.

On vacation, I totally unplug. I don't bring a laptop with me.

The laptop computer is a workhorse. The tablet is just a display.

I do indeed write on the road. My laptop goes with me everywhere.

I don't go anywhere without my iPod, laptop and at least one book.

Everything will be okay. I have a sticker on my laptop that says that.

I don't think I'm unusual in preferring my laptop to be thin and light.

I generally travel with my laptop, a couple of great books, and my iPod.

I'm portable. I carry a laptop and a little recording studio on my back.

A young musician needs a powerful laptop and a good analogue synthesiser.

Nowadays you can record on your laptop with Pro Tools, which I do quite often.

I need to travel, of course, with my laptop, so I can do my business on the road.

I borrowed a creaky laptop from my husband, went into the web, and never came back.

On a two week road trip I know I can get by better with no underwear than no laptop.

I use my iPad many times a day, and it has cut my use of my laptop by more than half.

I made a lot of the first album on a laptop in my bedroom after college and after work.

Like everyone else, I use my phone a lot, and being a screenwriter, my laptop is my life.

When I first started running there were no computers. There was no such thing as a laptop.

Not everyone can afford to plunk down hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on a laptop.

I love travelling with my laptop because I get a bit nervous if I can't access my e-mails.

In electronic music, staying behind your laptop for two hours is not too exciting to watch.

I've pretty much stopped using a laptop because I'm not line-editing a lot of things anymore.

Technology has allowed people to make records really cheap. You can make a record on a laptop.

Every time I meet with the CEO of a big laptop company, they tell me they 'studied' my design.

I work on a laptop specifically so I can work in cafes and pretend I'm part of the human world.

I am a laptop boy. People say: 'Where's your studio?' I say: 'It's in my laptop, in my rucksack.'

Call me a nerd if you like, but I do find it hard to leave home without my laptop and a good book.

Tablets are more intuitive than a PC or laptop. They also have more real estate than a smartphone.

My goal is not selling laptops. OLPC is not in the laptop business. It's in the education business.

I'm not much of a reader; I'm more of a laptop person. I would never consider travelling without it.

I started accessible GPS research in 1994 and the first version became available on a laptop in 2000.

You can sit in a room and create anything you want on a laptop. That's why the real con men are gone.

My laptop helps me carry on my business functions and stay in touch with my executives when I'm abroad.

I bought a laptop in 1999, and it was quite liberating, because I could make a lot of my own decisions.

So I know how I watch movies which is on my laptop, man. And that's how I suspect a lot of people do it.

You don't have to know how to build an automobile or a television set or a laptop to know how to use it.

My studio is a laptop. Everybody I work with is the same. We make computer music, we're the laptop generation.

All of my memories are now on hard drives. I'll change phones or I'll change my laptop, and all my photos stay.

I take my laptop with me on the road. When I come home, I log onto AOL, go to the Web site, and answer questions.

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