What position didn't I play last season?

My wife and two children traveled with me on locations all last season.

I'm not a snob about which looks are 'this season' and which are 'last season.'

It makes me cross when I hear people say, 'It's so last season.' I always say, 'It's vintage.'

Last season when things weren't working out, I thought we needed a different voice around the place.

I was a huge 'Friends' fan. I had a very small part. I played a real-estate agent in the very last season.

Tough guy Spike was always the funnest, but I'm most proud of the more recent stuff, the last season, I think.

I don't like watching shows where all of a sudden you're like, what happened? They shot the last season in Las Vegas?

I feel like, in football, you always have to prove yourself as well. The past is in the past. Last season was last season.

Yeah, my first season playing varsity, that was probably the last season I got nervous for. I was kind of nervous for that one.

My fashion philosophy is that if I like it, I wear it. I'm not a snob about which looks are 'this season' and which are 'last season.'

After taking temporary charge last season he took us from looking down at the fringes of another relegation scrap, to within a kick of getting into Europe.

I'd say without a doubt I've had the most sex scenes in any television show, ever. Last season I did eight sex scenes in one day - I haven't topped that yet.

I'm playing George quite a bit differently this season, and I'm glad you picked up on the fact that she kind of made peace with her situation at the end of last season.

I have been dealing with back problems since 1995 when I was with the Blackhawks, and I've only missed part of one season because of it. That was last season in Toronto.

I don't know if we'd have been as dominant as we were last season. The new things, the new ideas the manager brought in everyone took them on board so well. He is special.

Being happy is very important. We won our second championship last season and we have our entire team coming back to try and defend our title again. I'm very proud of that.

I played in Kent's triumphant Second XI Trophy final team last season, ironically against Hampshire 2nds at the Rose Bowl last September, finishing with 2-17 off six overs.

For a long time at Blackburn and at Fulham last season, I was playing on the right wing. I've never seen myself as a right-winger. I could play there and come inside and try to create.

We will not take Arsenal lightly for one minute, as they showed in the two matches against us last season that they can be dangerous opponents if we lose our concentration for a moment.

Seasons are really annoying. You get a really great pair of shoes or a beautiful pair of boots, and then you try to get them again four months later, and they say, 'Oh no, that was last season.'

You know, last season I didn't do anything on the show, so I was frustrated. I mean, don't get me wrong: It's nice to get a paycheck. But if you don't really do anything it's not very satisfying.

Playing for 14 years definitely took its toll mentally. I decided when I was playing my last season that when I retired from football I would never go back into it, and I've never regretted that decision.

I got an agent when I needed one, when I had a contract negotiation for the first time. I was doing the Second City E.T.C., and I got invited to audition for the last season, it turns out, of 'In Living Color.'

The problem with my shoulders was something I inherited from my dad. The left one would pop out and then pop back in - absolute agony - during almost every game last season, so I had surgery to put it right last summer.

When you practice yoga regularly, you get more then you will from jogging on the treadmill catching up on the last season of 'Lost.' When you practice yoga, you use your body and your mind, and you're gaining awareness and intuition.

I had some experience when I joined 'The Sopranos' in the last season. My character married Christopher, and everyone loved Adriana. I knew what it was like to join a very beloved, secretive show and following a very iconic character.

For those of you who are fans of 'Agents of SHIELD,' that show has continued to grow creatively every season. I feel like last season, Season 4, was its strongest creatively yet. I'm very excited for what we have planned for Season 5.

We have had more sales for this year's grand prix than any other, and we have been helped in that by the fact that Jenson had 10 podiums last season and looks like a winner. It is good for British motor racing if he is there and doing well.

I left 'Saturday Night Live' without a film to go to, and I'd filmed 'Old School' while I was in my last season of the show, and that hadn't come out yet. I was a free agent, in a way, but I knew it was time to leave the show and test the water.

Early in last season, George was very worried about other people's emotions, especially how they saw her, and felt she was outside looking in. This year, she still hopes people will accept her for who she is, but if they don't, she's OK with that.

Shortly after the end of last season, I felt that I probably would not return for the 1999-2000 season. I also felt that I should take as much time as possible to sort through my feelings and make sure that my feelings were backed with conviction.

I've been very lucky as an actor. I have worked all the time. Some shows I do, they get cancelled. Some, they're critically acclaimed, and then they get cancelled. And some, I'm in the last season of this or that. But I can't complain about my career.

The last season of 'Rescue Me' is going to be very sort of half and half: it's how you think 'Rescue Me' would end versus something very outside the box. And, they do it in this sort of perfect way - it's only nine episodes, you know. Very stream-lined.

I was watching the last season of 'Mad Men,' and they're now so in their characters and they're so comfortable in their characters, and they're doing such good work. That can only happen from doing it over and over, and developing a character over seven years.

When I first moved to the bench, it was a little tough to adjust to, but I've just recalled last season when I first started. Just taking care of my body and knowing that there could be a random time that I'm checking in, so I need to continue to take care of my body.

When I went to Reading last season. I said to myself, 'This is my last loan.' My body was always tired at the end of the season from travelling and not knowing what I was going to be doing next, so I made that challenge to myself that it was my last loan and I had to do well.

Some games you going to play great. Some games you're not. So, it's all about moving on to the next game, next possession. Just come in there every day working, figuring out what you got to work on and see what you did wrong in either in the last game or the last season or whatever.

I don't set myself targets. Last season I scored hat-trick against Wolfsburg and three days later, that was forgotten, you're about to be judged again. When you've done well, you don't want another game, you just want to feel great. When you've done badly, you can't wait for another chance to come.

It was somewhere in doing the last season of 'Leverage' that John Rogers and I became confident that we had developed an all-new production technique where we could put more on the screen with very little money. So we started to get more comfortable with the idea of trying to tackle 'The Librarians.'

I shot all my stuff on 'Arrested Development' in one day, and was brought into a really well-oiled machine. 'Cause it was the last season, and they were wrapping up a lot of stuff because they knew at that point that they weren't coming back. There seemed to be kind of a freedom, and certainly the cast had a great amount of camaraderie.

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