I am proud to be Latino.

Everyone has a Latino inside them.

All my Latino side is from the Bronx.

Be proud to be Latino and never lose that pride!

I don't want to be considered 'the Latino rapper.

I don't want to be considered 'the Latino rapper.'

Latinos are Republican. They just don't know it yet.

The Latino vote has to be earned just like any other.

I'm a handsome, caramel-colored Latino from the Bronx.

No candidate can become president without the Latino vote.

And there's some Latino music I like, and some reggae music.

Just because you are Latino does not mean you can't be global.

Latinos are a vital but underrepresented force in this country.

Mr. Latino with the big ego got bested by a ditzy, blond bimbo.

When I was in school, I didn't get exposed to Latino playwrights.

Anytime you do something Latino, yeah, I love the color, the spice.

There just aren't enough positive portrayals of Latino life in film.

As of 2002, two million Latino adults had been diagnosed with diabetes.

The Latino community, they're some of the most loyal fans on the planet.

Immigration is a gateway basically. It's a check-off point for Latino voters.

I've been told that I wasn't Latino enough, which was code for 'street' enough.

It's important to me to reach deep into the community and promote Latino artists.

I get offered a lot of black roles, because apparently I don't look Latino enough.

I believe we have to bring Broadway a little Latino flair. We have to keep it alive.

I'm finding that I'm working with more and more Latino artists, and that's exciting.

As a Latino growing up in Spanish harlem, it's not easy trying not to be hot-headed.

There's a lot of Latinos right now, a lot of filmmakers and writers that are Latin too.

New Jersey for me is so alive with history. It's old, dynamic, African-American, Latino.

The destiny of the Latino community is interwoven with the destiny of the United States.

A Latino actor can't play this and a Latino actor can't play that because they're Latino.

I never had the opportunity to play a Latino character that is seen in a heroic, smart way.

Be proud of your Latino culture and do the best work you can do, and you will always succeed.

Latinos are disproportionately more likely to be injured on the job than other ethnic groups.

I think the Republican Party is in a strong position with Latino voters and other demographics.

And Hillary Clinton is going to do nothing for the African- American worker, the Latino worker.

I want mainstream artists to accept Latino artists as equals without us having to sing in English.

I am representing California, and all of California, definitely as a Mexicano, a Chicano, a Latino.

I remember watching 'Sesame Street' as a kid and loving that there were Latino characters on there.

When I was growing up, I lived in a neighborhood that was largely Latino and I thought I was Latino!

I have a very varied taste in music. Everything from rap to classical to Latino to Rat Pack to jazz.

I do want to be involved in quality projects that say something positive about the Latino community.

The number of Latino roles is very limited, and it's unfortunate there isn't more color-blind casting.

Latinos are just like everybody else. There are conservatives. There are moderates. There are liberals.

I always wanted to be the first true Latino to break the American barrier, to be on the American charts.

I would say the hardest part in the Latino world is approval from your parents. It's such an intense thing.

I want to be known as the mayor who happens to be Latino who made a difference. I ran to make a difference.

Whenever another Latino tells me they're more Mexican than me I stop working and let them do the work for me.

I think it's a big mistake for our party to write off Latino Americans. They're an important part of our country.

I want the Latino 'Do the Right Thing' to happen. I want filmmakers whose voices are not represented to get a shot.

While jobs, education, and healthcare rank among the top issues for Latino voters, immigration is a threshold issue.

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