I'm a born legend.

I want to be a legend.

Kenny Bates is a legend.

Mister Cee's a legend, man.

Tenryu is a legend in Japan.

Tupac is definitely a legend.

I want to be the next legend.

I always aimed at being a legend.

Jackie Robinson is a true legend.

A legend - now I am like a unicorn.

There is only one legend. That's me.

I'm not a real person. I'm a legend.

Tony Bennett is an iconic jazz legend.

I can't be a legend yet. I'm not dead.

I'm the legend. I always be the legend.

I want John Legend to sing at my wedding.

Muhammad Ali is a legend, a hero of mine.

I want to be one of those ones: a legend.

If I am a legend, then why am I so lonely?

There is a legend. And to protest is daft.

I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend.

No WWE talent becomes a legend on their own.

I'm honest - of course I want to be a legend.

Legend remains victorious in spite of history.

Chris O'Dowd's a legend, isn't he? I like him.

'Legend of the Drunken Master' was my favorite.

If I get to be a legend, I've achieved my goal.

Robert Morley is a legend in his own lunchtime.

I wanna be a legend; I wanna be a cult hero. I do!

Legend: A lie that has attained the dignity of age.

I've always loved Japanese legend, anime and manga.

I'm a legend now. But I'll keep my feet on the ground.

In urban culture, Larry Davis is something of a legend.

Anthony Bourdain is a legend and an inspiration for me.

Batman has been acknowledged as a legend in my lifetime.

Thierry Henry, without a doubt - he's an absolute legend.

My mother's life had been destroyed by the Garland legend.

A lot of rock bands are truly a legend in their own minds.

If you want to be a legend you have to fight with legends.

Everybody watches Bruce Lee. That's a legend. He's the man!

I would like to be a legend, everyone wants to be a legend.

I'm a legend in this sport. If you don't believe me, ask me.

I want to do that. That's my goal. I want to become a legend.

I wanna be a legend, I wanna be in the world books of records.

People come up to me in the street and use words like 'legend.'

Willie Nelson is not just a star or a headliner, he's a legend.

The Champions Club demands the legend of Dr Disrespect be told.

I'm also getting an Ovation Legend, because I like them so much.

To be a legend, you've either got to be dead or excessively old!

John Higgins is an absolute legend. He has such a good reputation.

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