If you have a lemon; make lemonade.

I wasn't the kid with the lemonade stand.

If fate sends you a lemon, use it to make lemonade.

You already have one asshole, you don't need another one

I love Beyonce; she's great. But I'm not into 'Lemonade.'

My personal style is really different from 'Lemonade Mouth.'

I want to make lemonade out of the lemons that were dealt to me.

My sister and I had a lemonade stand - with a two-drink minimum.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. I have several stands around here.

I have two choices: Sit at home and feel sorry for myself, or make lemonade out of lemons.

For the children it will always be a lemonade float at the Christmas table as a special treat.

I believe that starting any business should be as easy as a 10-year-old starting a lemonade stand.

I would like to be a gang leader on 'Sons of Anarchy' or own a lemonade stand on 'Boardwalk Empire.'

'Lemonade' resonated with me, and I love the direction Beyonce is going with her music and her career.

You have to turn the lemons life gives you into lemonade, and you have to take time to sit back and enjoy it.

If life gives you lemons, don't settle for simply making lemonade - make a glorious scene at a lemonade stand.

Lemonade is not just made of lemons. It's barely lemons! It's mostly water and sugar! Life didn't give us that.

It's one thing to make lemonade out of lemons, another to proclaim that lemons are what you'd hope for in the first place.

Any waste stream in our society can be turned into a revenue stream. It's turning the lemons in our society into lemonade.

We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.

We go old-school during the summer, like swimming or setting up lemonade stands. I try to teach my kids to make their own fun.

I used to get tired of drinking iced tea, so I'd ask my wife if we had some lemonade, and I would just dump it right in there.

I'm on the advisory board of Alex's Lemonade Stand, which is a children's cancer charity. I'm so proud to be on that and help them.

I live in New York and it's the greatest city, but sometimes I want to move to the place with the porch and the lemonade and the farm.

At my lemonade stand I used to give the first glass away free and charge five dollars for the second glass. The refill contained the antidote.

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.

My private joke about 'Luke Cage' is that it's a bulletproof version of 'Lemonade,' and that, essentially, it's a concept album that has a video component.

Within a few weeks of coming back from filming 'Lemonade Mouth,' I got these scripts, and 'Terra Nova' was the one that stuck out. I was like, 'Oh my gosh'.

In life they're not going to serve you lemons, they're going to serve you lemonade; and I don't really like lemonade because I've got a really bad acid reflux.

I've done a movie called 'Lemonade Mouth' for Disney Channel, which was fun to do. I actually got discovered through an open casting call where anyone could audition.

I was mixing iced tea and lemonade in my kitchen since as long as I can remember. It wasn't until some time in the early 1960s that it became associated with me publicly.

The cast of 'Lemonade Mouth' was picked so perfectly. A lot of people see us as a band on camera, but not a lot of people know that Lemonade Mouth was a band off-camera, too.

We don't have performances as big as 'Lemonade Mouth' on 'Zeke and Luther,' but they're both amazing experiences; just, 'Lemonade Mouth' was a bit bigger. It was different for me.

Our happiness is certainly mixed in with the tragedies of life. You have to find the lemonade. You have to find the silver lining in the middle of everything that happens in life.

For any collaboration to work, each partner must have a strong sense of identity. If one overpowers the other, it's like mixing lemonade with water - you wind up diluting the brew.

I was a dramatic kid. I remember, I was very young, and once I knew what I wanted to do I, like, created a theater company, and I would direct, and we would sell lemonade to buy props.

Entrepreneurial education in grades K-12, if it exists at all, still focuses on teaching potential entrepreneurs small business entrepreneurship - the equivalent of 'how to run a lemonade stand.'

A lot of drive is innate, self-perpetuated, reinforced energy. As a kid, I could always sell anything I could get my hands on - from newspapers to lemonade to 'TV Guide.' I knew how to make a presentation.

I was pretty entrepreneurial as a kid. I had a lemonade stand. When I was 12, I arbitraged the price of 7-Eleven hot dogs; I'd buy the ones that are pre-wrapped with the bun and then sell them on the beach.

The lesson is, because there will be many lemons in life, to learn to make the proverbial lemonade - and be open and honest. That's the best way of doing damage control and positioning yourself for success.

'Formation' and 'Lemonade' speak to experiences that are too under-represented in our culture. But there are costs to certain forms of visibility. I don't think it is a bad thing to discuss what these costs are.

Put no more than three messages on a lemonade stand. You have to describe what your product is, why it's the best, and how much it is. Don't be drawing turtles and flowers and footballs all over it, distracting people. Keep it clean.

I've always wanted to entertain people, and when I was in school, I was interested in creative writing, but wrestling was always there. When I ran into financial problems, I just figured when life gives you lemons, you have to make lemonade.

Being an entrepreneur can be learned, and that is exactly what I have done. You don't have to be born with it or have had the 'lemonade stand.' But, you do need to have the passion, devotion, conviction, and sheer will and drive to make it happen.

'Lemonade' is made out of bubbling, fizzing, popping, and 'Hard' is made from metal and latex - they are sort of sculptures in this way. I synthesize all sounds except for vocals using raw waveforms and different synthesis methods as opposed to using samples.

I lived next to Russian soldiers. We had Russian army guys in our house when I grew up. We made lemonade for them; they were everywhere. I had a Russian school. I grew up with Russian traditions, I know Russian songs... it infiltrates me a lot. I even speak a little Russian.

Each time you go to the grocery store with your kids, it is a potential learning opportunity. In order not to overemphasize materialism, focus on other things to do with money. In 'Beyond the Lemonade Stand,' I try to emphasize the importance of saving money, and of using it to help other people.

I have an avocado tree at my place in Los Angeles - it's the smoother-skinned one, which tends to be a little stringy. Often the birds or raccoons get the avocados before I can harvest them. I have figs, too, which are great with prosciutto, of course. I have limes and lemons, which I use to make lemonade.

The particular way I'm going to die is not going to be particularly pleasant. It will probably be physically uncomfortable, and it won't be an easy thing for my wife and kids to watch. I think it will be a real challenge to see if I can squeeze the lemons hard enough to still get lemonade the last few weeks.

As a kid, creation was something that I always loved. Creating worlds for video games, creating businesses that didn't make any money, selling lemonade, etcetera. In my fourth grade classroom, I even instituted a government structure because I was really interested in people having positions and there being law.

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