I hear stuff in my head all day.

It's social progress to just be you.

I'm very carefree - I wear whatever I want.

It's easy to get caught up in what's trending.

I'm trying to be like Drake and make my own genre.

I'm a sap. I like love movies. I watch too many of those.

I love Beyonce; she's great. But I'm not into 'Lemonade.'

I will really go looking at memes and be crying sometimes.

I probably talked to my mom about my sexuality first before anyone.

I'd like to encourage young adults to love themselves and others more.

I grew up around '90s, 2000s R&B, which is my favorite. But I'm a rock star.

I have this nonstop energy that's almost annoying, like how a little sister would be.

Feminism, to me, is nothing more and nothing less than the belief in equality for women.

I definitely hope that I'm inspiring a lot of different female artists to run with the boys.

I have very few real friends because I don't really feel like I fit in with a lot of people.

This is just a long shot, but I definitely would want to work with Frank Ocean. He's the man.

I'm very big on being an example for my peers when it comes to standing tall in your own light.

When it comes to fitting in, I think I'm really fly. It's not really hard; I'm just being myself.

Keeping it simple, 'Bounce Back' explains my trust issues. I'm sure everyone can relate in some way.

I would just say keep people around you that you can really trust. You can't let everyone dig in your pot of gold.

There are times when I may be really into a person or a thing, and even though my heart is present, my mind travels.

The younger generation of hip-hop artists believes in doing something irreverent, inventing a new style. That's all it's about.

I just want people to listen to the music and get something from it, whatever it may be. Whether it's a catchy lyric or a whole situation.

I personally feel a responsibility to demonstrate to that we girls have the power to not only gain equality for women but all sectors of society.

Turning up your fashion and style is taking it to the next level of who you are. My swag is beastie - it's different, it's fun, and it's diverse. It's turnt up!

I always knew I would do music. At first, I wanted to play basketball, and when I let go of that dream when I was 11, I pretty much knew I was going to be in music.

I love Ashanti, so that was my thing. I liked that whole era. I don't know what to call that era but that feel good thing. Like Ja Rule, all of that. I like Cam'ron, Fabolous, all of that.

I feel like everyone has been judging me based on 'Drip on My Walk,' and that's cool, but that was the fun record I did. That doesn't define me, but for some reason, that's how the world looks at it.

Yachty is really quiet when you first meet him, and that was different to me. That's just how he is. He's chill, but he'll talk to you. My first thought when I met him? 'Oh, I could get along with this guy.'

I definitely love touring with Yachty. His fans are honestly really nice, because I've been in front of some mean crowds. They're definitely a diverse, alternative crowd that just want to hear good music and have a good time.

I feel like people being themselves and not being scared of judgment, they're putting that into their music, and it's like, 'Wow, they came up with something fire because they didn't care how you were going to feel about it. They didn't care if you were going to like it or not.'

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