I believe in 'Backstage.' It changed my life.

If my life was a movie, no one would believe it.

Going to prison actually helped save my life, I believe.

I believe in the Bible, and I believe in Jesus. It's a big part of my life.

I certainly believe that having my husband be in my life has been a tremendous blessing.

I never hired a PR agency in my life, nor do I believe in promoting and marketing my films.

I believe that all the important people in my life prior to 1982 were victimized by my illness.

I wish that I did the things that I really believe in, because when I do, my life goes much smoother.

But on the other hand I believe I'm a private person too, and I enjoy that aspect of my life as well.

I had been an academic all my life. As academics, you tend to believe the smartest people are in academia.

I've been extremely fortunate in my life. So I actually believe that I'm the living embodiment of living the American dream.

I don't really believe in the myth of being poor but happy. At the poorest times in my life, I wasn't happy. I was just hungry.

I really do believe that my style is informed by the fact that I had such issues with my appearance at various times of my life.

When things don't happen in my life, I believe that I've been pushed into another path for a reason, and there's a bigger picture.

I prayed about it, and I do believe that the Lord, at least in my life, likes to use one-year contracts and not long-term contracts.

Contrary to what people believe, yes, basketball has been a big part of my life. But on the other hand, it's also been a small part.

Your soulmate doesn't just mean your husband or your boyfriend. I have friends in my life who I believe I was meant to meet and be a part of.

I kind of think of my life as this incredible hurricane of so many adventures. We can all make a difference, and we can all be courageous and believe in ourselves.

I've always been sort of influenced by my male relationships and that period of my life when you start to cringe and be like, 'I can't believe I wore this or that.'

Since my life has been wayward and impulsive, always a search for something that is not there, and then disillusionment, I believe I need all the excuses I can make.

I try to live my life with grace and through grace even though I don't particularly believe in the divine - and that's a direct result of my having been raised Catholic.

You've got to dream. You've got to believe, that's what I've done all my life. I'm rolling with it at the minute. It seems like it's not stopping. Who knows where it will end?

I believe that we are here for each other, not against each other. Everything comes from an understanding that you are a gift in my life - whoever you are, whatever our differences.

Many times I sit back and say, 'I can't believe that this is my life!' Other times, I feel self-satisfied. I mean, there's a lot to be proud and thankful for but, nonetheless, it's just a life!

Americans believe if you go to college, you have something to fall back on, which makes sense. I don't have any degrees. If I hadn't become a golfer, I have no idea what I would be doing with my life.

I've known Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles and they're two of the most independent people I've ever known in my life, and the thought we could somehow bend their views I find really beyond my capacity to believe.

I never dreamed I'd be in Congress, or even in the NFL, for that matter. Well, I guess I dreamed about being in the NFL, but I didn't believe it would happen. I'm not the biggest guy. But I guess that's the story of my life.

You reflect on the people who used to be in your life, and it's like, 'Wow, I can't believe that person was ever really in my life.' But people are put into your life for seasons, for different reasons, and to teach you lessons.

I have committed my life to helping the poor, and I believe that if more companies followed Wal-Mart's lead in providing opportunity and savings to those who need it most, more Americans battling poverty would realize the American dream.

Just personally, I've been attached to 'On the Road' since 2007 and it was the greatest thing in my life when I got cast in it. I couldn't believe it. When I was 17 and read the book, I looked it up on IMDb and it said that Francis Ford Coppola was going to direct it.

I can't believe it's been four years now, and from watching that pilot, we really all looked like babies. It's unbelievable just how far everything has come. I'm happier now than I've ever been on the show and in my life. I really owe so much of my happiness to 'Glee.'

I have so much going on inside my head in terms of writing, there's such a large space in my life taken up by that. I can't imagine it being taken up by a husband and children and writing, and everything getting its due. I don't believe there is room for all of it. I really don't.

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