Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. ...

Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience.

I think everything you do in life is a learning experience.

Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.

Each experience I go through - marriage, my public life, my personal life - I'm learning as I go.

'Giving 2.0' frames giving as a learning experience and encourages everyone to make giving a part of your year-round life.

I view life as a learning experience. It is not so much all about music; it is about what happens when you are doing the music.

Everything in life is a lesson and I have learned from each marriage. Yes, I've made mistakes but every experience is a learning curve.

I am a woman in process. I'm just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull.

In life, if you're not learning from every experience, even the bad ones, you're really messing up. That's the marker of a smart, intelligent individual.

I believe life is an 'experience ball.' You throw it at someone, it picks up their response... it grows. You play with that ball, learning what it teaches you.

Acting is a life experience. I'm always learning things when I'm making a movie. So the fame part of it is fine when you consider what you get out of this job.

I come from playing sports. I compete, so I gotta be better than I was last year. I gotta get better, and that better gotta come from just growing. From learning new stuff to working on it, experience it in life, and failing.

So I've seen life as one long learning process. And if I see - you know, if I fly on somebody else's airline and find the experience is not a pleasant one, which it wasn't in - 21 years ago, then I'd think, well, you know, maybe I can create the kind of airline that I'd like to fly on.

A brief experience with a Radcliffe girl got very bad very quickly. I was so destroyed by it that I left and went to Mexico for a semester, where I have cousins. I learned how to speak Spanish, which was really important for my life. It was wonderful going to Mexico, learning another culture and a language.

For a while, I was saying 'no' way too often. I turned down 'An Officer and A Gentleman,' 'Splash' and 'Midnight Express.' I could name you tons more. I would go off and experience life instead of working - I was learning to fly jets, went on an African safari, sailed the Caribbean - which wasn't necessarily bad.

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