I have a very good life - I'm lucky enough not to be deprived.

Books are good enough in their own way, but they are a poor substitute for life.

What a miserable thing life is: you're living in clover, only the clover isn't good enough.

I wasn't good enough to be a professional soccer player obviously but that was my first goal in life.

I spent my whole life as a soccer player and I've honed every skill, I continue to hone them, you can never be good enough.

I'm generous. I give good tips. It's just - the way I live my life, ironically enough, is: I don't want anything. I'm not a consumer. I don't crave objects.

It's hard enough to write a good drama, it's much harder to write a good comedy, and it's hardest of all to write a drama with comedy. Which is what life is.

The good parts of a book may be only something a writer is lucky enough to overhear or it may be the wreck of his whole damn life and one is as good as the other.

And above all things, never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. My belief is that in life people will take you at your own reckoning.

I've been in real estate for my whole life, I've been trying to sharpshoot the market with my investments, I'm never right. All you need to do is get near the bottom. That's good enough.

Paper Doll' is about being bullied, and about having someone in your life who is constantly trying to put you down, and trying to make you feel like you are not good enough being who you are.

One of the biggest struggles of my life is my weight. My weight is always going up and down, and I'm always fighting that, and I think that no matter what I do, I'm never going to look good enough to everybody else.

I was OK at tennis - good enough to beat Serena Williams, definitely... But no, I don't really like playing solo sport,s so I don't think I could have got to the top. I was just decent. Maths is my true calling in life, which is bizarre.

I've been lucky enough - well, maybe unlucky enough - to have had a lot of friends who have had their ups and downs. And for an actor, that's good. Life experience in any regard is good. So I've seen a lot and I've had my own experiences.

I had a high school sweetheart that was my first. We were together all through high school. I had just broken up with him because I didn't think I was good enough. He wanted to be an anesthesiologist. I wanted to be an entertainer. His life was more planned out, and mine wasn't.

I've been applying makeup long enough to feel good doing it on my own, but I cannot do my hair to save my life. When left to my own devices, if I have to go to an event, I do a slicked bun. Otherwise, I just try to wear a hat, put it in a ponytail, or do a side braid - something easy.

I've never been good at getting on people's nerves, and from the little quotes I read, it's like, 'You're not doing enough in your life if you're not making someone angry.' And I'm like, 'Man. But my life - I seem to help people get somewhere, so am I not? Should I be more aggressive?' That's the way my inside voice sounds.

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