I've chosen to live my life in love and that has made even the most trying times beautiful experiences.

I love religions and find them fascinating, and I find Judaism very beautiful. It's enriched my life enormously.

Running opened up something beautiful in my life. I try to send the energy all over my body. I love the feeling of it.

I do love the evolution of people in general. I think it's a beautiful thing when someone progresses and evolves in life.

Being in Newcastle is a very different way of life to Tenerife. The climate is very different but the city itself is beautiful and I love being here.

That I survived the Holocaust and went on to love beautiful girls, to talk, to write, to have toast and tea and live my life - that is what is abnormal.

Surround yourself with people who are going to support you regardless of what your sexual orientation is, and you can have a beautiful life filled with love.

Oh, you weak, beautiful people who give up with such grace. What you need is someone to take hold of you - gently, with love, and hand your life back to you.

Chennai is a beautiful city; I love the roads here and also know the routes. But one tip for car/bike enthusiasts - your life is most important; so, drive safe!

Love is one of the most powerful and most dangerous things I've ever encountered and, within the same breath, one of the most beautiful and relevant journeys of my life.

I know I live a charmed, beautiful life and nobody wants to hear a celebrity whine. The last thing I want to do is complain; I love what I do and I know every job comes with a downside.

'The Wine of Summer' is a beautiful film about love lost and found, and the complexities of life while discovering who you are. It was filmed primarily in and around Barcelona, and the imagery is breathtaking.

I really look up to Ashley Graham and how she promotes her body and flaunts it. She's beautiful and stunning, and I'm not going to say I love her body on Instagram and talk about it poorly in my personal life.

Let me tell you something - being thought of as a beautiful woman has spared me nothing in life. No heartache, no trouble. Love has been difficult. Beauty is essentially meaningless and it is always transitory.

Nothing is more beautiful than the love that has weathered the storms of life. The love of the young for the young, that is the beginning of life. But the love of the old for the old, that is the beginning of things longer.

I love to look at physically beautiful people, and obviously others do, too. But there's such a narrow definition of what that is; the people who are my friends in life, the more I get to know them over the years, the more beautiful they are to me.

The concept of The 'Most Beautiful Moment in Life', that was chapter one for us; it feels like that because we were starting from the bottom, but on this concept, 'Love Yourself', we started to talk about some brighter things, like the real things in life.

The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned; everything was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life; I fell into her life.

I love the ambiguous kind of endings. I think, oftentimes, that's what life really is - there's no concrete path for you to take. It's always kind of a jumble of variables. Behind this door could be a beautiful woman, and behind the same door could be a tiger, you know? You don't know.

You want to have a feeling when you sing that you just love singing; you love the feeling of singing, and you love this feeling of this voice coming out of your body into this world. It's about really getting that most beautiful, pure, centered tone, thinking about the story of each song and the lyrics, and connecting your own life to that story.

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