Food is a part of life. People are foodies and love to shop for food.

The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death.

Let's face it: my life tends to revolve around food, and I love feeding people.

I eat everything. I love it! I couldn't deny myself food. What a waste of a life.

I have very high standards for every part of life - my work, my relationships, food, love. I can't just pretend.

I have the greatest job in the world, and my life revolves around my love for food - particularly devouring hot dogs.

I love food. I'm a huge food addict. I think in my past life I was a pig or something like that, but I love eating; I never stop eating.

I love it in the States. The roads are big, the food is big. If it was possible to be in L.A. and still live my racing life, I would move now.

I love places that have an incredible history. I love the Italian way of life. I love the food. I love the people. I love the attitudes of Italians.

I don't cook, and I don't care to, but Gabrielle Hamilton made me realize that food is about love and connection. And she has had a hell of an interesting life.

I lived my whole life in the kitchen. Not only that, but it's the passion, it's the love for cooking and food. It's dictated my entire life - every aspect of it.

Meat is a big deal in my life. I do love breakfast food, but I don't think that's extraordinary. I'm a normal American. We love eggs and meat and potatoes and gravy.

When you love food as much as I do, staying healthy is not easy. I mean, moderation, not deprivation. That's my new way of living. I always want more and that's just my life.

Since the first minute, I fell in love with Spain - the people, the way of life, the food. I have kept up the late dinners, the siesta, and most of the television I watch is Spanish.

I had a long-lasting love affair with the flavors from Japan and the hustling New York street vendors. And, of course, a life-changing return to Ethiopia has made huge impacts on my life in food.

I've been a skinny girl my whole life. I just don't sit down - I'm always on the go. It must be down to the genes. We have a healthy body image in my house and great appetites. It'd be hard for you to find a food I don't love.

I love getting to have different food and getting to be around different people and different cultures and different ways people look at life. It's really kind of helped me open up my mind and see the world from different perspectives.

I've never dieted in my life; I like food too much. I'm just thoughtful about what I eat, and I'm lucky that I love the taste of vegetables. I'm certainly not 'actress skinny,' and I never will be. I'm strong, and my body works great for me.

I love fresh fruit and vegetables. I'm not a strict dieter. I don't think that anything in life should be so regimented that you're not having fun or can't enjoy like everybody else. Just know that fresh food is always going to be better for you.

I have a lot of different passions. Food has been a constant through my whole life; it's something I've always had a very intrinsic passion toward and for, and I continue to learn about it, and I'm not going to let any type of negative comments dissuade me from wanting to pursue that, because I love it.

Well, I love Europe and I love Europeans; when I look at my own personal travel, for most of my life, 80 percent of it has been to European countries. And that was long before I ever considered becoming an ambassador or was offered the opportunity, because I love everything about Europe. I like the culture. I like the food. I like the charm.

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