I made a big mistake of my life.

Canada is a big part of my life.

Australia's a big part of my life.

I've been a big blagger all my life.

Traditional values are big in my life.

Wrestling has been a very big part of my life.

My life and career have been a big improvisation.

I really don't map out my life. There's no big plan.

'The Big Bang Theory' has completely changed my life.

Jamaica actually had a pretty big influence on my life.

Speech and having a stammer is obviously a big part of my life.

'Big Bang' is unbelievable; I'm blessed, but it's not the only thing in my life.

Film has played such a big part in my life, in my impressions of the United States.

In all my life, I've been trained that when there's a big problem, you run toward it.

Photography is a big part of my life: taking photographs, being around photographers.

I moved on with my life but I still have a big commitment to Terri. I made her a promise.

I've just gone through so much in my life that pulling my top up just doesn't seem like that big a deal.

Cultural appropriation is a big problem, but the thing is, I didn't invent my life. I really lived in Africa.

I grew up in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, and reading was a big part of my life - I'd get through several books a week.

My sexuality, in terms of 'Strictly' or whatever else I do in my life, ought to be as irrelevant as the length of my big toe.

I'd already made the decision before I'd even read it-just because it was John Sayles. Then when I read it, the themes were actually themes that have been a big part of my life.

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