My life is not unlike Truman's. I can't go anywhere.

Like everybody, I'm making up my life as I go along.

Doesn't matter what goes on in my life; I go forward.

It's weird because horses kind of come and go in my life.

I wanted to be somebody, go somewhere, do something with my life.

It's my life. It just continues to go forward from 'The Apprentice.'

I like my life. I like my friends. I don't want to go anywhere else.

Interviews don't go to the core of my life. Everybody knows my life - it's an open book.

When I want to check out how my life's been, I go through my albums. They steps in my life.

You go through life experiences. Each record captures a different turning point in my life.

I don't have a publicist, I don't go to events, I don't do magazines, and it's just not my life.

I had to go to jail, which was probably the most humbling thing I've ever had to deal with in my life.

All my life I knew that there was all the money you could want out there. All you have to do is go after it.

A steamer is like an inhaler, so you can inhale this oil or frankincense or eucalyptus. Before I go onstage, I spend half an hour taking in that steam, and it saves my life!

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